
Questions? Comments? Let us know how we can help make things work more smoothly


Frequently Asked Questions

Where do I get started?

Instructors, visit here.

Graduate students, visit here.

Which instructors can sign up?

Unfortunately, we don’t have endless time as graduate students and we have to choose which things we prioritize. We have responsibilities that include research, teaching, and family. That means that there isn’t always perfect, 100% coverage of all sections for proctoring.

In order to be the most fair, we only offer graduate student proctor coverage to those teaching large class sizes.

 If you feel that you should be included, please send us an email!

Who can be a proctor?

You must be a Biology graduate student at Baylor, in good academic standing, and with no prior infractions with Proctoring Resources.

If you aren’t sure what could be an infraction, read the Proctoring Guide.

Does proctoring = TA-ing?

No! Being a TA is a requirement from Baylor Biology to earn a stipend, however proctoring is completely voluntary. It just an easy way to have a little more money in your pocket!

Email Us

Have a question or want to learn more? Email Us!