Spot Test Titer Calculation 11/16/18
Rationale: After my first round of purification I need to calculate the titer of my lysate. However, since not enough TA is available to make multiple plaque assays I conducted a spot test to calculate my titer.
- Flooded plaque assay from Wednesday for 2 hours by pouring 8mL of phage buffer on the plate then putting it on a shaker.
- Filtered the phage buffer with a .22µm syringe filter.
- Diluted with phage buffer out to a dilution factor of 10^-8.
- Marked a plate to spot for dilutions of 10^0 to 10^-7.
- Made top agar with 2mL of LB broth, 2.5mL TA, 22.5µL of CaCl2, and 0.5mL of arthrobacter.
- Let the plate sit until solidified.
- Spotted each dilution in marked location with 4µL of corresponding lysate.
- Let spot dry then inverted and placed into incubator.
The section with a dilution factor of 10^-7 had 16 plaques. From that I calculated that my lysate has a titer of 4e10. Since the plaques had a radius of 0.75mm it will take 8µL of 10^-5 lysate to web a plate.
Conclusions and Next Steps: Since I have a high titer I now have to make a couple webbed plates so I can collect enough lysate to run DNA extraction and then archiving.