- NOVEMBER 9TH, 2018
- Create a lysate from the new soil sample collected
- Soil was filled to the 2mL mark of a test tube
- Then 10mL of LB broth was added to the tube
- It was shaken fro 15 minutes, before then bing placed into the centrifuge for 10 minutes where it was then spun at 3,000G
- Once the tube being centrifuged was done, a top filter was then used to filter out the supernatant
- Then .5mL of Arthrobactor was added to the filtered supernatant
- The tube was then left in the incubator
- No results to report
- No results to discuss
- Run a plaque assay
- NOVEMBER 12TH, 2018
- To plate the plaque assay with no contamination
- Tables were cleaned, lamps were lit
- A test tube was filled with: (2X TA was added last to prevent solidifying)
- 4mL LB broth
- 45𝝁L CaCl2
- 5mL 2X TA
- 15 𝝁L of lysate was pipetted into test tube containing arthro and was left to sit for 15 minutes
- After the 15 minutes 4.5mL of the 2X TA solution was mixed into the test tube with the lysate and arthro
- The test tubes were then poured into the plates, which were then given 10 minutes to solidify
- Plates were then inverted and placed in the incubator
- As seen in Figure 21, the control and test plate were free of contaminants (control is top plate, bottom is test plate)
- Its very difficult to view in Figure 21, but there were 5 small clear circles which are believed to be bacteriophage, and will be tested
- Pick plaques
- NOVEMBER 14TH, 2018
- To pick what is believed to be plaques, and plate them without contamination
- Tables were cleaned and lamps were lit
- The plaques were circled and labeled
- 5 micro centrifuge tubes were filled with 100 𝝁L of phage buffer
- A compound microscope was used to view the plaques, which were then “picked” by gently tapping the plaque with the end of a micro pipet
- The pipet is then placed into the micro centrifuge tube containing 100 𝝁L phage buffer
- The tube was then vortexed for 2 seconds
- The steps above were repeated for every plaque
- A test tube was filled with: (2X TA was added last to prevent solidifying)
- 12mL LB broth
- 135𝝁L CaCl2
- 15mL 2X TA
- 15 𝝁L of lysate was pipetted into test tube containing arthro and was left to sit for 15 minutes
- After the 15 minutes 4.5mL of the 2X TA solution was mixed into the test tube with the lysate and arthro
- The test tubes were then poured into the plates, which were then given 10 minutes to solidify
- Plates were then inverted and placed in the incubator
- A test tube was filled with: (2X TA was added last to prevent solidifying)
- The results can be seen in Figure 22, 23, and 24
- As it can be seen the control was contaminated, and samples P1, P2, and P5 were all negative for phage presence
- Samples P3 and P4 were positive for phage presence, as seen in Figure 23, and 24
- Samples P4 and P3 both contain phage, while the other samples appear to be negative. The source of contamination on the control is unknown, and may be due to exposure to bacteria during plating.