2/11 ~ Annotation of NapoleonB
Rationale: Annotate genes assigned on Arthrobacter NapoleonB
- DNA Mastering
- PhagesDB Blast
- NCBI Blast
- Starterator
- NCBI Domains Website
- Computer
- Opened up DNA Mastering on computer
- Downloaded NapoleonB file from PhagesDB database
- Opened the file on DNA Mastering and auto-annotated
- Was assigned to annotate genes 37-40, placing results on NapoleonB PhageNotes
- After working on annotations, saved annotated NapoleonB file
Conclusion/Next Steps:
- It’s very exciting to finally start annotating Arthrobacter phage NapoleonB! Although the day was filled with confusion and a little but of chaos, the annotations are on their way to being finished. The next steps would be to continue annotating the genes and then have them be checked.