09/10/2018- Washing And Enrichment of Soil B
Washing And Enrichment of Soil B
Research Question:
Does the presence of arthrobacter appear more dominant in the soil of one oak species than the others? Is there a correlation between the presence of Arthrobacter Phage and the presence of oak wilt fungus?
- Prepare direct and enriched lysate for soil sample B
- Collect metadata for soil sample B ( %water, pH, and sand silt clay percentages)
Materials Required:
50 ml conical vials, 15 ml conical vials, pH vials, pH paper, serological pipettes, Cidecon, 70% ethanol, LB broth, Soil Sample B, Falcon tubes, DI water, soil dispersion liquid, scooper, syringe, syringe tip filter (22 microns), shaking incubator, weighing boat
- set up an aseptic zone by cleaning your desk with Cidecon (wipe till dry) and ethanol ( 70%)( wipe on the desk and let it evaporate) after clearing the table.
- lit the ethanol lamp to set up an air current to help keep other microbes from getting into tube when it is open.
Washing and Enrichment:
- retrieved Soil Sample B from the refrigerator.
- retrieved the 15 ml conical vial with 2 ml of soil in it.
- retrieved the LB broth
- using a serological pipette, transferred LB broth to the 15 ml conical vial until it reached the 11 ml mark.
- closed the 15 ml conical vial and shook it by hand for 12 minutes
- after 12 minutes, find the mass of the vial ( 19.31g), and find another lab partner with a tube of mass within 0.05g of your tube mass.
- take the vials to the centrifuge and put them in for 10 minutes at an acceleration 10000 times g.
- take the vial back to the aseptic zone.
- using a sterile syringe and a syringe tip filter (22 microns), transfer 10 ml of filtered lysate to a 50 ml conical vial. ( take care to use the aseptic zone to avoid contamination of lysate.
- after you acquire 10 ml of filtered lysate, add 0.5 ml of arthrobacter to the vial. this is the enriched sample.
- place this tube, loosening the cap a little bit , into the shaking incubator for 48 hours
- filter the rest of the lysate into another 15 ml conical vial ( 1/2 ml for my sample). this will be your direct isolation sample
- store direct isolate in the fridge
% Water
- weigh the weighing boat on the scale ( g)
- pour some soil onto the boat and weigh the weight of the boat plus the wet soil
- take the difference of the final weight ( boat and soil ) and initial weight (boat) to find the weight of the soil.
- put the soil outside for 48 hours to allow the water to evaporate.
- weigh the soil again.
- take the difference of the weight of the wet soil and dry soil to find weight of the water in the soil ( the water that evaporated)
- calculate the percent of water in the soil by using percent water= (weight of water/ weight of wet soil) x 100
Sand, Silt, Clay
- take 50 ml conical vial and fill it with soil sample to the 10 ml mark
- add DI water to the vial until it reaches the 30 ml mark.
- add soil dispersion liquid to the vial.
- shake vial vigorously for 30 seconds
- let the vial rest for 48 hours.
- add a small amount of sand to the pH vial
- add water so that the level reaches the top of the vial
- shake vial for 10 seconds and then let is rest for 120 seconds
- after 120 seconds, dip 1 inch of the pH paper in the vial for 45 seconds
- immediately compare the color of the strip to the scale to acquire pH
Analysis and Data:
there is no data that can yet be calculated. that will be done in pre lab calculation for the lab on 09/12/2018.
the following was collected for today
Mass of wet soil = 6.370 g
pH of soil= 6
the aseptic zone was properly maintained and there were no apparent events that may have caused contamination.
calculate % water, %sand, %silt, and % clay.