April 29

Polishing CURES in BIO Presentation (4/29/19)

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Performed a final check on the presentation for CURES in BIO Symposium.


  1. Corrected abstract for CURES in BIO.
  2. Calculated approximately the number of holins required to oligomerization.
  3. Finished presentation.


Final abstract submitted for CURES in BIO is shown below.

The following images shown were used as measurements when calculating the number of holins required to oligomerization.

The following calculations were made to find the number of holins required for oligomerization.

The following image shows the slides of the CURES in BIO presentation.

The following is the video in the CURES in BIO presentation.


Depending on the orientation the endolysin exits the cell, it would take approximately 11 holins (if endolysin was oriented vertically) or 17 holins (if endolysin was oriented horizontally). This is an estimate. The estimated number would have more accuracy if calculations used calculus and/or physics-based algorithms and if factors such as spacing between holins were taken into account. Due to limited time, research was not conducted into these variables and methods.

Future Work:

Practice giving presentation in front of class.

Posted April 29, 2019 by Kathryn Adkins in category Kathryn Adkins

About the Author

Kathryn Adkins is currently a freshman attending Baylor University majoring in neuroscience with a minor in biochemistry.  She hopes to one day earn an M.D./Ph.D. and become a pediatric oncologist and cancer researcher. Kathryn volunteers at Cook Children’s Hospital in Fort Worth and is actively involved in AMSA (American Medical Student Association) and BURST (Baylor University Research in Science and Technology).

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