Independent Project (4/24/19)
- In lab, the abstract was corrected and more information such as results and future plans were added. Along with abstract correction, comparisons were made with the qualitative data to the quantitative data to find significant results.
- Personal Computational Device
- JMol
- Raptor X
- Google Excel Sheet
- Phamerator
- PhagesDB
Above, the protein structures of Elsa and Nason are compared. The top row are the protein structures of Elsa with AUG (preferred start codon), GUG as the changed start codon, then UUG as the other changed start codon. What we found interesting is that both tape measure proteins from phages that are within the same cluster, same preferred start codon, and from the same pham, so we wondered why there is a drastic protein structure change.
- First, the data was checked with Phamerator to make sure that no updates have been made with the gene that is to be studied.
- Protein structures were made based on similarities that were found in the quantitative data.
- With the differences in the protein structures, primary literature was used to understand the reason for the drastic differences in protein structures.
- For the abstract, corrections were made based on the comments posted.
- Additionally, a results portion was added as the group found more significant correlations and a conclusion was also added.
- Corrections were made to the abstract as was submitted as the final abstract. Also, significant results were found and assumptions were made. To rule out which reasoning was unimportant for the change in protein structure, primary literature was used.
Future Plans:
- For the last work day in lab, most of the results will be organized and the powerpoint will be completed.