DNA Day 24
24 April 2019 ✷ Independent Research
Rationale: The trends in the percent GC of the genes were analyzed and justification was sought out.
- Every AM-specific gene was run through NCBI’s BLASTp in order to search for low-GC bacteria it shares genes with
- this is evidence of horizontal gene transfer
- The abstract was edited and finalized
- the presentation was created and work was started for it
Genes 6, 22, 40, 43, 45, 47, 48, 49, 51, 60, 85, and 96 had hits with low-GC bacteria.
the abstract:
Many of the AM-specific genes hit with viruses or bacteria with low %GC. This could be indicative of lateral gene transfer, which could explain why the AM phages have a much lower GC content than the other Arthrobacter phages and Arthrobacter host.
Future plans
Work on presentation