Independent Research Outline 4/15
Rationale: Create an outline for CURES presentation and finish hard data for minor tail proteins.
Procedure: Word document was made and outline was made. Reviewed primary literature to help construct both an abstract and introduction. Google sheets, DNA Master, and PhagesDB were used to help analyze the starts of the Arthrobacter phage minor tail proteins. The last few minor tail protein starts preferences were entered.
Results: Outline and the end list of the minor tail proteins (613 minor tail proteins).
Future work: Start structure analysis and to examine start the start sites of all tail proteins. See correlation between the starts and length. and see why there was a reverse minor tail protein.
Conclusions: Finished the hard data and analysis of starts will be done 4/17. The overall process of collecting data took longer than expected. Figure out another way to gather data that would take less time i.e. Phamerator or code.