Research Question Ideas (3/25/19)
Rationale: The group thought of research questions for the individual research projects with the guidance of the couch, Dr. Adair, and ideas posted in the Modules.
- Personal Computational Device
- “Modules” in Canvas
- Required BioInformatic Tools
- Prior to class, research was done on additional topics to view other options for the questions which were to be used.
- With the additional information and ideas from the module, the group brainstormed on possible questions which can be tested bioinformatically and with the tools that are present.
After more research was done on possible topics for questions, the group came together and formulated four questions which were testable bioinformatically and within the time that was given.
Future Plans:
With the four questions, one questions which the group collectively prefers will be researched even further to ensure that the question is feasible.