March 20

Final Poster

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To make a final draft of the poster board, which will later be combined with other poster boards in the group for a final poster for scholars day


  1. The changes to be made to the first draft of the posters were discussed
  2. responsibilities were assigned to groups for making certain edits
  3. edits were to be made according to the prescription of the TA
  4. the group made graphics for the poster and made edits to methods and materials.


current version of the edited poster is above.


the progress so far is great but some more content needs to be added to this poster. the poster will be easy to present when completed according to plan.

Future steps

More graphics will be added to the poster. more data will also be presented about the Napoleon B and its relation to other phages and clusters.

Posted March 20, 2019 by aman_patel1 in category Aman Patel, Dr. Adair

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