2.25.19 Sketching Poster
2.25.19 Sketching Poster
Rationale: Since a poster is the most common form of presentation for URSA, it was necessary to learn more about what successful posters look like and to begin to brainstorm what our own posters may look like eventually. Therefore, we looked at many past posters and were assigned into the groups we brainstormed our own posters in.
As a class, we reviewed many posters for coloring and content. We discussed things we liked and those we didn’t. Then, we were assigned into groups and in those groups, we discussed and planned important content we wanted to include on the posters. Finally, we created a visual representation on paper of what we would like our posters to look like.
This lab session resulted in a more complete understanding of what a research poster entails. In addition, this period also resulted in us developing a sketch about what our own posters would look like in small groups.
Posters have far more moving parts than initially anticipated and take a lot of thought and effort. They are benefitted by careful planning and analysis before action, and many review processes are required before a final product can be submitted.
Next Steps:
On Wednesday, a PowerPoint version of the poster brainstormed will be created. This is the next step in beginning to create a poster; the product will need to be reviewed and changed many times before it can be fully submitted.