Annotation of NapoleonB gene 44 and Abstract
Corrected NapoleonB gene 44 and combined abstracts with other group members for a possible poster abstract.
Opened DNA Master and phage notes. Checked for errors in gene 44 with the help of Genemark, DNA Master, NCBI BLAST, PhageDB, HHpred, and phage notes. The start codon was changed and the product was placed into NCBI BLASTp to check for possible functions.
Start codon pulled to 30372 and the product was checked in HHpred, NCBI BLASTp, and PhageDb to see the known function. Few sentences from my abstract were added into Brandon’s abstract, and grammatical errors were fixed as a group. Working in groups can be very beneficial since you will be able to see from multiple points of views, and also helps avoid confirmation bias.
Future Plans:
Start individual projects and designs for conferences.