Finishing up Annotating NapoleonB Genes 31,32,94 2/13/19
Rationale: In order to have a completely annotated genome for NapoleonB by the end of the week I worked on annotating the rest of the genes assigned to me. These were genes 31,32, and 94.
Tools: PhageNotes, DNAMaster, NCBI, PhagesDB, Phamerator, HHPred, Genemark
- First I found that all the genes were already at the largest open reading frame and covered all the coding potential so I noted that in my annotations.
- I blasted all the genes’ products and they all turned up with no known function.
- In HHPred none of the results had a decent probability to call a function.
- I recorded the RBS values and calculated the gap.
- I typed up all my findings in PhageNotes.
Final PhageNotes annotation
Conclusion and Future Work: Now that the genome is almost completely done being annotated we can proofread and get feedback. For future work we will continue iterating the annotation until it is as complete and accurate as possible.