February 14

NapoleonB Genes 26-28 (2/13/19)

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Annotate NapoleonB genes 26-28 to complete the section of genes assigned. Once NapoleonB genome is fully annotated, ideas for what research question should be investigated with this data can be explored.


  • DNA Master
  • NCBI
  • PhagesDB
  • GeneMark
  • HHpred
  • Phamerator
  • phage notes


  1. Conducted a GeneMark on NapoleonB.
  2. Determined the stop and start with the highest coding potential for genes 26-28 based off the “Choose ORF Start” window and the GeneMark.
  3. Performed a HHpred search on NapoleonB genes 26-28.
  4. BLAST was performed on NapoleonB genes 26-28 through both NCBI and PhagesDB.
  5. Annotated NapoleonB genes 26-28.


The following image shows NapoleonB gene 26-28’s annotations.

The following images show the BLAST E-values for gene 26 from the start codon which Glimmer and GenemMark called.

The following images show the BLAST E-values for gene 26 from the new start codon which has the longest reading frame.


On gene 26, it was determined that the start codon should be moved from what Glimmer and GeneMark called (bp 24817) to an earlier start codon (bp 24802) because the BLAST E-values were smaller, more coding potential would be covered, and this would make the gene have the longest open reading frame. Genes 26-28 had no known function.

Future Work:

NapoleonB’s annotations will be checked and research questions to be investigated will be brainstormed.

Posted February 14, 2019 by Kathryn Adkins in category Kathryn Adkins

About the Author

Kathryn Adkins is currently a freshman attending Baylor University majoring in neuroscience with a minor in biochemistry.  She hopes to one day earn an M.D./Ph.D. and become a pediatric oncologist and cancer researcher. Kathryn volunteers at Cook Children’s Hospital in Fort Worth and is actively involved in AMSA (American Medical Student Association) and BURST (Baylor University Research in Science and Technology).

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