2-6-19 — Copying Genes 12 and 13 to PhageNotes
Further Annotation of Phage Elesar Genes 12 and 13
Date: 2-4-19
- Rational
- The rational for this lab was to annotate the function data for two genes from phage Elesar in order to gain practice in annotation before transitioning to phage NapoleonB.
- Procedure
- DNA Master was opened.
- File > Open > Archived DNA Master File was used to open the same Elesar FastA file from before.
- Gene 12 was selected through the listing of predicted genes.
- The annotation notes were analyzed and copied to the PhageNotes Google Sheets page.
- Gene 13 was selected through the listing of predicted genes.
- The annotation notes were analyzed and copied to the PhageNotes Google Sheets page.
- Using the acquired information, the 12th and 13th genes were annotated.
- Results
- The following annotations were copied for Elesar gene 12 :
- SSC:8224 – 8568, CP:No There is an overlap with the previous gene, SCS:Both, ST:SS, BLAST-Start:Aligns with Nandita gp13 NCBI BLAST q12:s1 0.87 5E-58, Aligns with Phage Ryan gp13 PhagesDB BLAST q12:s2 0.87 1E-48, Gap:7bp overlap, LO:NA, RBS:Kibbler7 and Karlin Medium 2.463 -3.67 No, F:head-to-tail stopper, SIF-BLAST:head-to-tail stopper Supported by NCBI BLAST Nandita gp13 AYN58635.1 0.87 5E-58, head-to-tail stopper Supported by PhagesDB BLAST Ryan gp13 MH834627 0.87 1E-48, SIF-HHPred:NKF, SIF-Syn:head-to-tail stopper, upstream gene is head-to-tail adaptor, downstream gene is NKF, just like in phage Ryan
- The following annotations were copied for Elesar gene 13 :
- SSC:8565 – 8840, CP:Yes, SCS:Both, ST:SS, BLAST-Start:Aligns with Nandita gp14 NCBI BLAST q13:s1 0.76 3E-38, Aligns with Phage Nandita gp14 PhagesDB BLAST q13:s2 0.76 7E-31, Gap:4bp overlap, LO:NA, RBS:Kibbler7 and Karlin Medium 1.137 -7.054 No, F:NKF, SIF-BLAST:NKF Supported by NCBI BLAST gp, SIF-HHPred:NKF, SIF-Syn:NKF
- The following annotations were copied for Elesar gene 12 :
- Conclusion
- All the genes present in Phage Elesar have been copied to a single document in order to share the data.
- Future Plans
- The next step is to continue annotating more genes on Elesar for practice before transitioning to NapoleonB.