February 1

Annotation of Gene 1 for Elesar

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To learn what information to put down and where to find it in order to annotate individual genes.


  • Opened the auto-annotation for Elesar
  • Put the start of gene one back in order to cover the coding potential and have the longest ORF
  • Wrote the start and stop coordinates for gene one
  • Used the GeneMark analysis of Elesar to determine whether the current start of the gene covers the coding potential
  • Wrote who the start codon was called by as well as who it was selected by
  • BLASTed the protein code for gene one to look for significant alignments with other genes


  • The start codon was called by both GeneMark and Glimmer, but called by me
  • The BLAST results showed no significant BLAST alignments
  • Under the new start all of the coding potential was covered


The annotations for SSC (start/stop coordinates), CP (coding potential), SCS (start choice source), and BLAST-start were determined and written in the template in the notes section for the gene. Next lab I will learn how to do the rest of the annotations and continue to annotate gene 1 and other genes.

Posted February 1, 2019 by emily_balint1 in category Emily Balint

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