1.16.18 Starting DNA Master
1.16.18 Starting DNA Master
Rationale: In Wednesday’s lab session (after the presentations), it was found to be important to set up DNA master and practice the procedure for auto-annotating bacteriophage genomes.
Tools/Procedure: In Wednesday’s lab, only DNA master and its auto-annotation feature was used.
Results: The genome for Elesar was successfully auto-annotated. The program had already been downloaded before the lab had begun and the steps for preparing the program had already been completed. The genome was downloaded from phagesdb.org, then it was auto-annotated. This was all that time permitted during the time in the lab.
Conclusion: The result of the lab is that I successfully learned how to auto-annotate a genome after downloading on phagesdb.org. There were no difficult decisions to be made, as the genome was not processed fully or annotated further than the auto-annotation.
Future Work: In the following labs, I plan to use the auto-annotation technique on NapoleonB to process that genome. I also plan to build on that basis by learning more about manually editing the auto-annotation. This will ideally permit a good understanding of the phage’s genome and genes after using DNA master on the genome.