November 30


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  • NOVEMBER 26TH, 2018
      • Plate high titer in order to flood plates and get more lysate for DNA extraction 
      • Tables were cleaned and lamps were lit 
      • The dilutions from last lab were used, and the following amounts were placed into a tube with .5mL of Arthrobacter for 15 minutes:
        • 10^-2 45𝝁L  
        • 10^-2 45𝝁L
        • 10^-1 4.5𝝁L 
      • During the 15 minutes a large test tube was filled with: 
        • 8mL LB
        • 90𝝁L  CaCl2 
        • 10mL 2X TA 
      • Then 4.5mL of the 2X TA solution was pipetted into the tube containing lysate and Arthrobacter, then the tube was poured onto a plate
      • The previous step was repeated for all the tubes containing lysate and Arthrobacter 
      • For the control 4.5mL of the 2X TA solution was pipetted onto a plate
      • The plates were then left to solidify for 10 minutes, before being inverted and placed into the incubator 
    • RESULTS: 
      • The Results can be viewed in Figure 26 
      • Minimal to no plaques grew due to how old the lysate was. As the lysate ages, the bacteriophage most likely lost infectivity.
      • Use original lysate to get a high titer plate
  • NOVEMBER 28TH, 2018 
      • Use lysate from flooded plate (on 12/19) to create serial dilutions and get a high titer
      • Tables were cleaned and lamps were lit
      • Six micro-centrifuge tubes were labeled according to the dilution (10^0 through 10^-5)
      • The tube labeled 10^0 was filled with 100𝝁L of phage buffer and tubes 10^-1 through 10^-6 were filled with 90𝝁L of phage buffer 
      • 100𝝁L of lysate was pipetted into the 10^-0 micro centrifuge tube
      • Then 10𝝁L of the 10^0 dilution was pipetted into the 10^-1 tube, then 10𝝁L of solution from the 10^-1 tube was pipetted into the 10^-2 tube, and so on until a dilution of 10^-5 was reached
    • The following amounts of dilutions were placed into a tube with .5mL of Arthrobacter for 15 minutes:
      • 10^-2 45𝝁L  
      • 10^-4 10𝝁L 
      • 10^-1 4.5𝝁L 
      • 10^-2 10𝝁L 
      • 10^-5 10𝝁L 
      • During the 15 minutes a large test tube was filled with: 
        • 14mL LB
        • 157.5𝝁L  CaCl2 
        • 17.5mL 2X TA 
      • Then 4.5mL of the 2X TA solution was pipetted into the tube containing lysate and Arthrobacter, then the tube was poured onto a plate
      • The previous step was repeated for all the tubes containing lysate and Arthrobacter 
      • For the control 4.5mL of the 2X TA solution was pipetted onto a plate
      • The plates were then left to solidify for 10 minutes, before being inverted and placed into the incubator 
    • RESULTS: 
      • Waiting for results 
      • Waiting for results 
      • Wait for results, if high titer was not achieved a TEM will be ran on lysate available, if high titer is achieved plates will be flooded and DNA extraction will be run 

Posted November 30, 2018 by laurenfoley_foley1 in category Lauren Foley

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