November 2

10/29/18- Soil Collection Sample D and pH for soil

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  • Collect a new soil sample
  • Take pH of soil
  • Calculate % water



  1. collect soil in a Ziploc bag
  2. measure the circumference of the tree trunk 137cm from the ground
  3. measure the longest diameter and shortest diameter of the tree canopy and take its average.
  4. complete metadata survey


  1. a small amount of soil was added to the pH vial
  2.  water was added to the vial until the level reached the top of the vial
  3. the vial was shaken for 10 seconds and then allowed to rest for 120 seconds
  4.  after 120 seconds, the pH paper was immersed in the vial for 45 seconds
  5. the pH was determine using the color scale on the chart in the pH paper dispenser.

% water

  1. weighing boat was weighed on the scale ( g)
  2. some soil was added onto the boat and weighed
  3. the difference of the final weight ( boat and soil ) and initial weight (boat) was taken to find the weight of the soil.
  4. the soil was placed in the fume hood for 48 hours, after which it will be weighed again.

Analysis and Conclusion:

The pH of the soil acquired was 6.8.



Posted November 2, 2018 by aman_patel1 in category Aman Patel, Dr. Adair

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