10/17/18 Missed Lab and Results from Plaque Assays
I was unable to be in lab 10/17/18 due to illness, therefore I was unable to collected data and results on my own. I received pictures of the plates that were created in lab 10/15/18 and my lab partners flooded one of the plates so the phage could be collected during the next lab.
Previous Results:
- The “webbed 10^0 #1” plate created 10/15 was not completely webbed, meaning there wasn’t enough lysate added to the Overlay mixture to web the plate
- The 2 plaque assays were positive with plaque clearings on both
- Control had no contamination
- Aseptic Zone was created with CiDecon, 70% Ethanol, and Ethanol burner
- The “webbed 10^0 #1” plate was obtained
- 8 mL of phage buffer was added to the plate to flood it
- Plate was sealed with parafilm and placed in the fridge until next lab
- Experiment was no completed, therefore there are no results to report
Next Steps:
- During the next lab the phage buffer that was used to flood the plate will be collected and filtered. The titers of the “10^0 #2” and “10^0 #3” plates will be calculated. Plates will be made using the amount of lysate found from the results of the calculations.