Soil E Collection/Soil Enrichment/Soil Metadata (10/10/18)
Rationale: Collect a new soil sample, start collecting the Soil Metadata for the soil sample, and create a enriched lysate for a plaque assay.
- Created an aseptic zone using an ethanol burner after cleaning the table with Cidecon and 70 % ethanol.
- Collected 2mL of soil in a 15 mL vial and filled another 50 mL vial with soil.
- Added 10 mL of LB broth into the 2 mL soil vial, and shook for 10 minutes
- In the meantime, obtained soil metadata measurements for percent water.
- Set up the soil metadata for percent sand, silt.
- Obtained a falcon tube and added 10mL of soil
- Added DI water till the 30mL mark.
- Added a few drops of soil dispersion liquid.
- Shook for a minute and set it in the hood to be observed next time
- After 10 minutes of shaking the LB Broth and soil, centrifuged for 10 minutes at 5,000xg.
- Collected PH of soil by filling tube with little soil and water and let it sit for 10 minutes.
- After a few minutes placed the ph paper for 45 seconds and observed the results.
- Obtained the soil and LB broth solution from the centrifuge.
- Filtered the supernatant into a 50 mL vial using a syringe and ended up obtaining about 7 mL of enriched lysate.
- Added 0.5 mL of Arthro into the enriched lysate.
- Placed it in the shaking incubator until next class.
Observations/ Results:
Plaque Assay from 10/08/18
- 3/5 of our plates were contaminated with a red pigmented bacteria, and control was also contaminated
Soil Metadata for Soil E:
% water :
- Weigh boat = 2.475 grams
- Weight boat + soil = 5.817 grams
PH of soil = 6.0
Next Steps:
We will be performing a plaque assay using the new soil sample: Soil Sample E. We will also collect the remaining soil metadata for this soil sample.