Soil Collection D
To collect a new soil sample and record metadata on the tree the soil was collected from. This new soil sample will then be used to perform a new plaque assay.
- Cleaned lab desk with CiDecon and ethanol
- New soil sample was found at McLane Stadium
- Trunk circumference- 33.7 cm
- Canopy length- 122.6 cm
- Tree height- 457.2 cm
- Collected soil sample D 2 ft from the base of the tree
- Cleaned lab desk with CiDecon and ethanol
The plaque assay for soil C had no plaque and the control was contaminated as well. As a result a new soil sample had to be collected. Next lab I will collect soil metadata and filter soil D so that I can perform a new plaque assay.
Fig.1.D – Shows the tree where soil sample D was taken from.
Fig.2.D – Shows browning on the tree’s leaves at the edges the reason (whether it is disease or lack of water) is unknown.
Fig.3.D – The size and shape of leaves on this tree indicate that it is a Chesnut Oak (a type of White Oak).
Fig.4.D – The white spot on the right-hand side of the plate shows that there was contamination.
Fig.5.D – Shows no sign of any plaque and on the left-hand side there is a spot that is slightly lighter than the rest of the plate which could indicate contamination as well.