Soil Washing and Soil Metadata for Sample D (10/3/18)
Rationale: Collected more soil, started setting up and collecting data about the soil metadata and washed the soil. Decided to get a new soil sample since plaque assay was negative. Obtained a new soil sample for soil C, washed the soil, and started on soil metadata, since one out of the three plates turned positive.
- Recollected soil sample C and then collected new soil from a nearby tree.
- Filled up a 50mL tube with soil and filled up 2mL of soil in a 15mL vial.
- Added 10 mL of LB broth into each of soil samples and shook for 10 minutes.
- While waiting, started on setting up for soil metadata.
- Obtained a weigh boat and weighed it, then added soil and reweighed it.
- Repeated for Soil Sample C and placed both in the hood to be observed next class.
- To find percent sand, silt, clay obtained vial, and filled soil to 10 mL line, and DI water to the 30 mL line.
- Added soil dispersion liquid into the vial , shook if for 30 seconds, and placed it under the hood.
- After 10 minutes was up, massed the soil solution and placed it into the centrifuge for 10 minutes at 5,000 x g.
- Continued by adding a small amount of soil into a small vial, filled the rest with DI water shook tube, let it set for 10 minutes, and placed less than a inch of PH paper inside solution to obtain pH of soil samples.
- After centrifuging the soil solution, the supernatant, which will be the enriched lysate, was extracted using a syringe and placed into a 50 mL vial.
- Added 0.5 mL of Arthro into vial and stored in a shaking device.
Observations/ Results:
Plaque Assay:
Plates were not contaminated, but both the control and individual plate slid, and resulted in negative plates.
Soil metadata:
- Mass of soil D and LB broth = 18.479 grams
- % water – weigh boat for Soil Sample D = 2.478 grams
- Total with soil Sample D = 6.205 grams
- weigh boat for Soil Sample C = 2.33 grams
- Total with soil Sample C = 6.388 grams
- Observed that while setting up the % sand, silt, clay soil metadata for soil Sample C, the soil started floating.
- PH of soil C = 5.5
- PH of soil D = 5.5
- Total enriched lysate = 10 mL
Next Steps:
Next class we will collect the remaining soil metadata, specifically percent water and the percent sand, silt, and clay in the soil. Also we will be performing a plaque assay for both Soil Sample C and Soil Sample D.