September 14

Soil Washing and Metadata 9/10/2018

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Rationale: wash a new soil sample to get new direct and enriched isolations. In addition, prepare the soil for analysis to get soil metadata.

Soil Washing:

  1. Filled 15 mL conical tube with ~2mL of soil
  2. Added LB the 12 mL mark of the tube
  3. Started 10 minutes of shaking and vortex-ing
    1. the tube started leaking so I tried to switch the mixture into another tube but then I switched it back when not all of the soil came out of the original tube. I ended up losing ~1mL of my LB and soil mixture
  4. After shaking I weighed the tube and got 19.83 g
  5. The tubes were centrifuged as a class
  6. I used a syringe and filter to filter the supernatant of the centrifuges mixture into a new 15 mL tube
    1. I used aseptic technique, and consistently washed the tip of the filter with 70% ethanol
    2. I lost a lot of solution to the table trying to get the last of the supernatant into the syringe
  7. I ended up getting ~7 mL for my enriched isolation and ~0.75 mL for my direct isolation, both in 15 mL conical tubes
  8. I added 0.5 mL of arthro to my enriched isolation and left it to incubate for 48 hours at 28 °C

Soil Metadata:

  1. Filled a falcon tube with ~4 mL soil
  2. Added DI water to the 12 mL mark of the tube
  3. Added 3 drops of soil dispersion
  4. shook tube with glove over the opening for 30 seconds
  5. poured supernatant into 50 mL conical tube and let both tubes sit under the hood for 48 hours
  6. measured the mass of wet soil sample in a weigh boat
    1. mass of weigh boat = 2.37g
    2. mas of wet soil = 4.62 g
  7. Took the pH of soil sample
    1. added pinch of soil to pH tube
    2. filled tube with DI
    3. shook for 10 seconds
    4. let sit for 2 min
    5. put 1 in long pH paper into tube for 45 sec
      1. dropped first paper into sample so had to use a new one
    6. pH = 6.5

Next Steps: Perform a spot test to check for phages and continue analyzing soil metadata.

Posted September 14, 2018 by rachel_melone1 in category Rachel Melone

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