May 3

Practice Presentation



To practice the presetation and receive feedback on the presentation. Also, to listen to two other presentations and give them feedback as well.


  • Listened to two groups presentation
  • Graded them on the different parts of th presetation such as background info and results
  • Presented the presentation
  • Listened to feedback from the class
  • Received feedback from my group
  • Set up a time to meet and finalize the presentation


  • The other two groups seemed to have more quantitative data than our group which had more qualitative data


Practiced the presentation and received feedback on what to fix before Friday. Before Friday my group will meet up and make last minute changes on the presentation and re-split up the slides more evenly.

May 3

CURES Presetation



To finish the powerpoint presentation and split up the slides between grpup members.


  • Edited the unfinished slides
  • Using Jmol found the width of NapoleonB’s holin and the width and heighth of it’s endolysin
  • Using geometry found the approx. number ofholinstat would be needed to make a hole large enoug to pass the endoysin depending on how it’s oriented
  • Added notes to the bottom of the slides
  • Split the presentation up between group members

Fig.18 – This figure shows how if endolysin passes through holin longwise it would take about 17 holins to form a pore large enough, if not it would take approx. 11


We were able to finish the the powerpoint and add some quanitative data as well. Next lab we wil practice present and fix any mistakes found.


May 3

Presenting the PowerPoint (5/1/19)


Powerpoint was presented and feedback and changes were  given for the final presentation on May 3rd 2019.


  • Excel

Procedure :

  1. Groups were split into different coaches
  2. Listened to another presentation, and feedback was provided for them.
  3. Presented the powerpoint, and feedback was given.
  4. Changes were made regarding the feedback given.


New Graphs were added :


Graphs were added in the presentation to make it less wordy

Future Work:

Presentations will be practiced and required changes will be made.


May 3

Creating PowerPoint Presentation (4/29/19)


A power point presentation was created for the CURES in Bio Symposium


  • Excel
  • Power Point

Procedure :

  • Power point was created and shared with the other members of the group.
  • Different parts of the presentation were created.
  • Information and figures such as phylogenetic trees were included.
  • New information observed from data collected were added into the presentation as well


There appear to be no results pertaining to the question researched about, but trends considering phages within each cluster was found.


Even though nothing was found for the question, a trend was found in the start codons usually the very first few genes and last few genes for most of the clusters. The trends appeared to be consistent through all the cluster except cluster AU, which seemed to not follow any specific trend.

Future Work:

The PowerPoint will be presented and feedback will be given for the final presentation.

May 3

5.1.19 Practicing Presentations

5.1.19 Practicing Presentations

Rationale: Since the presentations for the symposium will be occurring on Friday, it was found to be helpful to practice presenting our presentations to the class and receiving feedback from one another.


  • The first 30 minutes of the class were spent completing surveys and responding to online assignments.
  • Each group presented and the remaining groups gave feedback about the presentations. Questions were asked first about content, and later about theme and aesthetic features. After one group would go, the next would go until the rotation was complete.


  • Presentation was successfully practiced and changes to the presentation were made to reflect these alterations.


  • This lab ended the year-long class that was the 2018-19 SEA Phages lab cohort. Many great moments were had and a lot of laboratory growth was made. It was an honor and such a fun time interacting with each person of the class and it will be remembered as a highlight of freshman year. Thank you to everyone who reads this for being such a great person, classmate, Teaching Assistant, or Primary Investigator.

Next Steps: Present on Friday!

May 2

5.1.19 Practicing Presentation


To practice presenting the presentation.


  1. Presented presentation in groups.
  2. Listened to other presentations.


We got good presentation practice and received comments for last-minute fixes. We will address these concerns and present on Friday.

May 2

4.29.19 IRP


To finalize the presentation.


  1. Continued working on the presentation and took into consideration comments for finalization.


We fixed the presentation/project according to the recommended fixes and we will continue working on the presentation in order to present the findings of our project. We will practice presenting on Wednesday.

May 2

Presenting Practice (5/1/19)


Practice presenting presentation for CURES in BIO symposium.


  1. Presented presentation in front of peers.
  2. Answered questions and received critiques from peers.
  3. Listened and critiqued other peers’ presentations.


The following list is a of suggestions and critiques my presentation received.

  • start strong by explaining the significance behind the whole project at the beginning
  • be clearer that the methods are the not just one slide
  • mix up speakers, instead of having person A talk then person B talk then person C talk

The following list are critiques directly for me.

  • pronunciation and remembering the different names of the structures
  • explain all the aspects of the video first before showing it
  • loop and slow down the video


Practicing in front of peers is a great tool because it allows for feedback which allows for improvement before the actual presentation.

Future Work:

Present individual project at CURES in BIO symposium.

May 2

The Forgotten Cure 3

One of the biggest problems in phage therapy has been in the approval process. Describe the trouble surrounding FDA approval and recommend some suggestions to improve the process of phage therapy approval.

For a potential drug to reach the market, statistics from the book show that only as few as eighteen percent of the medicines that make it to phase I continues on to succeed, and the average costs for drug development and approval are 8 hundred million dollars. For phage therapy, sufficient funding has always been a problem, furthermore, large pharmaceutical companies targets treatments for chronic, more profitable diseases rather than short term, low-profit treatments such as phage therapy.

Since phages are capable of mutation, the phage cocktails in phage therapy may have to change or adjusted every few years, while antibiotics remain the same formula for decades and exact mechanism can be studied thoroughly, the FDA might be concerned about the safety or stability of phage therapy. Some of the concerns surrounding phage therapy are that bursting bacterial cell might release toxins and cause septic in the patient’s body, and the phages that burst out of the cells carrying drug-resistant genes might infect other bacterial cells and transfer the genes to other bacteria via transduction. One of the ways that scientists can help prevent this from happening is to keep the phage particles within the dead bacterial cell, such as Ramachandran endeavor to prevent toxins leaving the cell by inactivating endolysin.

Besides scientific research, one of the most important things for the approval of phage therapy is to convince doubters the effectiveness and importance of phage therapy, the process would be easier of people are more accepting of the concept,

May 1

May 1 2019 Final Project Presentation Practice

Purpose: The purpose of this lab was to practice the final presentation and correct any mistakes.



  • Powerpoint


  1. The final presentation was presented to other groups for practice.
  2. Feedback was given on the presentation.
  3. Corrections were made to the presentation.

This lab allowed for presentation practice. Changes were made to the presentation based on feedback. A new graph was made to highlight the research findings.

In conclusion, this lab allowed for feedback to be given on the presentation, and for corrections to be made.

Future Work: 
Future work will include finalizing the presentation and presenting it.