May 4

Climate Change Discussion 5.3.19

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Climate Change is one of the most important topics for our generation, in today’s deliberation we primarily talked about three major aspects of actions that we can take in response to the impacts of climate change. I personally agree that all three are important, however, the degree of implementation for them are different. For option 1, I agree that immediate action should be taken to help reduce human impact on the environment, but sacrificing personal freedom to achieve the goal is overstepping the boundaries, the ends don’t justify the means, no matter how important the goal is. Prepare and protect our communities is crucial to prepare for the impacts of climate change since it can bring drastic change to our neighborhood and industries, improving the infrastructure and renewing disaster protocols in case of extreme weather are definitely on the top of the to-do list for this category. I believe the only way to fundamentally eliminate this crisis is to innovate the energy industry and waste disposal protocols, most people wouldn’t switch to more expensive, inconvenient ways of lifestyle just because climate change one day might cause a drought in Africa and kill thousands of people, so new incentives must be provided if the “Green” way wants to be adopted by the general public. If a cleaner, cheaper, more efficient way to do work is found, carbon emissions will definitely drop drastically, while the what’s done previously would persist further damage to the environment would be prevented, and in time the negative effects of human interference to the planet will subside.

Posted May 4, 2019 by joseph_yu1 in category Yang-En Yu

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