CURES Presetation
To finish the powerpoint presentation and split up the slides between grpup members.
- Edited the unfinished slides
- Using Jmol found the width of NapoleonB’s holin and the width and heighth of it’s endolysin
- Using geometry found the approx. number ofholinstat would be needed to make a hole large enoug to pass the endoysin depending on how it’s oriented
- Added notes to the bottom of the slides
- Split the presentation up between group members
Fig.18 – This figure shows how if endolysin passes through holin longwise it would take about 17 holins to form a pore large enough, if not it would take approx. 11
We were able to finish the the powerpoint and add some quanitative data as well. Next lab we wil practice present and fix any mistakes found.