Creating PowerPoint Presentation (4/29/19)
A power point presentation was created for the CURES in Bio Symposium
- Excel
- Power Point
Procedure :
- Power point was created and shared with the other members of the group.
- Different parts of the presentation were created.
- Information and figures such as phylogenetic trees were included.
- New information observed from data collected were added into the presentation as well
There appear to be no results pertaining to the question researched about, but trends considering phages within each cluster was found.
Even though nothing was found for the question, a trend was found in the start codons usually the very first few genes and last few genes for most of the clusters. The trends appeared to be consistent through all the cluster except cluster AU, which seemed to not follow any specific trend.
Future Work:
The PowerPoint will be presented and feedback will be given for the final presentation.