April 18

AU Cluster Phage Start Codons (4/17/19)


Start Codons for each of the phages in the AU Cluster were collected, and saved on an Excel sheet.  


  • PhagesDB 
  • Excel 
  • DNA Master 


  1. AQ Cluster phage FastA files were downloaded from PhagesDB, and opened in DNA Master.  
  2. Start codons were noted, and percent of each of the start codons were noted.  
  3. Abstract for the independent project was written and submitted.  


Start Codons for CapnMurica:  


Similarities have been found within most of the phages in the cluster. Creating a phylogenetic tree may be useful to view these results, and to sub-cluster phages.  

Future Work:  

Since most of the data has been collected, a tree including all of the phages in the cluster will be made to possibly  sub-cluster these phages. 


April 18

Data Collection of AQ Cluster Phage Start Codons (4/15/19) 


Start Codons for AQ Cluster were finished, and average amounts of each start codon and GC content for each phage were calculated and noted.  


  • PhagesDB 
  • DNA Master 
  • Excel  


  1. FastA file of each of the phages in AQ Cluster were downloaded 
  2. The FastA file was opened in DNA Master.  
  3. Start codons for each of the phages were noted onto Excel.  
  4. Averages of each start codon for the phages were calculated.  
  5. GC content for each of the phage was obtained from PhagesDB.  


Example of data collection of start codon for phage Anasi:  


It was observed and reported in an article that the start codon ATG, GTG, and TTG were respectively 45%, 45%, and 7%. However when looking at the data that was collected, the percent of ATG was much higher, usually about 80%, in each phage, and the GTG and TTG start codons, which was about 5-10% each. 

Future Work:  

Start codons for AU cluster will be collected, and a phylogenetic tree will be constructed to see if there any way the phages could be sub-clustered.  

April 18

Individual Research Cont. 4/17/19

Title: Individual Research Continued

Date: 17 April 2019

Rationale: The purpose of this lab was to find a tool that can predict a function for our sequence, as well as look more into literature and write a rough draft of an abstract.

Procedure: The group members perused NCBI PubMed for articles that pertained to or revealed information for our sequence or those like it. The promoter prediction method on DNA Master appeared helpful and will be utilized further as the group ran out of time for this day. The group also worked to write an abstract that will be used for the presentation.

Results/Observations: The promoter finder revealed that there may be a promoter in the region of our sequence, but no hard results were found as we were not able to pinpoint the sequence on DNA Master yet, we had just figured out how to use the tool right as time ran out. The group was able, however, to fully devise an abstract that explains our progress so far.

Conclusions/Next Steps: In the next lab session, we will likely be focusing primarily on the promoter finder on DNA Master as well as refining our abstract to reflect any potential findings from it. We will also likely be trying to find any more supporting literature for our project in order to defend our results.

April 18

Individual Research 4/15/19

Title: Individual Research

Date: 15 April 2019

Rationale: The purpose of this lab was to continue searching for evidence of a potential function for the sequence of interest that the project is focused upon.

Procedure: The group continued to search for literature on NBCI PubMed that could support a function or a possible meaning for the conserved sequence. Tools such as transposon finder and others were utilized and an outline for a presentation was made. The group also consulted with research coaches in order to get a better idea of the scope and future direction of the project.

Results/Observations: While we still have negative results for a function of the sequence, the possibility of the sequence being a promoter or a regulatory sequence shows promise. The options for confirming these functions are fairly limited, however.

Conclusions/Next Steps: We will search for a promoter finder or another program that can lead us towards evidence for a function. In terms of the presentation, one conclusion that can be made is that in order to discover if the sequence functioned as a regulator. Our next steps will be to further search in literature as well as find a program that can predict the possibility of a promoter.

April 18

Lab Day 24-25: IRP Abstract, Background info, and Presentation


Create an abstract to inform the purpose, methods, and discussions from the research. Also had to form a background information/introduction and started a presentation slides to get work done faster.


  1. Fixed background information and cite sources
  2. fixed abstract and upload as a qtm
  3. finished collecting all data and forms final figures and tables to help write conclusion
  4. shared powerpoint slides with other group mates and started to work on it to save some time in the future

Conclusion/Next Steps

Still had trouble making the tree but we had to put the best tree we can get out of. Clearly shows that the AM clusters as tight knit compared to other clusters. Abstract and background information is so far correct and the best we can make at the moment. Presentation slides are almost done, just need to work on the conclusion slides and fix any minor detailing such as color scheme or design. Next steps is to finish writing the conclusion, meet up with our TA to update with our results and fix any mistakes on the abstract.

April 18

Abstract Rough Draft and Continued Research 4/17/19

Abstract Rough Draft and Continued Research 4/17/19


The rationale behind today in lab was to create a project outline to help guide the rest of our research and to help us begin to prepare for our final presentations. In addition, when we were done with our presentation outline, we continued working on sequencing and protein folding in order to collect the necessary data.


  1. Presentation outline was submitted
  2. MEME Motif was used to find repeating motifs in the TMPs of selected proteins from each usable cluster


The results above were generated using the MEME software to find motifs. The logo above represents a motif that was found in all 43 selected TMPs suggesting an area of conservation. In addition, when searching for other common motifs 2 appeared with much less frequency but much more similarity, which will require further research. This motif shows that there is less similarity in the actual amino acid sequences, but the color coding suggests that structure is more likely to be conserved as many of the amino acids at a location are color-coded the same, suggesting that the amino acids will behave very similarly.


This motif demonstrates that there is at least one conserved motif for all of the randomly selected phage tested, answering our guiding question that, at least to a small degree, there are shared similarities between all TMPs.

Future Plans

In the future, we will continue to look for similarities and difference in the amino acid while continuing our folding of proteins to try to figure out if there are key conserved regions in TMPs. This motif needs to be further investigated, and I will see if I can find more motifs in all the proteins. I will also try to fold the amino acids found in just the motif to see if they are structurally similar to the sequences identified as the same motif.

April 18

4.17.19 Abstract

4.17.19 Abstract

Rationale: As an additional way to check progress, an abstract was made to begin to consolidate the research that has been done over the last weeks. This also signifies progress to the ‘coaches’ overseeing the experiment.

Procedure: In lab, we used various tools (Phire, PhiSite,etc.) to investigate the possibility of the sequence being a regulatory region. We also spent time summarizing our research into an abstract that was submitted at the end of the lab.

Results: Promoter sequences are present near our repeat, but more investigation needs to be done before conclusions can be drawn. The cursory abstract was successfully completed, but more revisions will need to take place before a final product is submitted.

Conclusions: The abstract highlighted some holes in the research that exist, and we now have a better plan on how to finalize our experiment and get results that could be considered more concrete.

Next Steps: Find results to concretely determine what our sequence really is.

April 18

individual research 3



to learn to conduct individual research, from the process of making a research question, to designing the methods and concluding from the acquired results.


  1. The individual research was worked on.
  2. two group members have started finding the start codons for their assigned proteins using phages db for the fasta file and dna master for the sequence
  3. one group member began to use jmol and raptor x to start structure analysis
  4. the abstract for the presentation was drafted
  5. The group worked until the end of lab.


so far. no real results. a lot of  the data collection has been performed.

abstract draft:

ATG, TTG and GTG are the three start codons that initiate gene translation in all bacteria. When ribosomes detects these start codons, they begin to synthesize proteins according to the sequence of the codons. Each start codons produce different amino acids, which interact differently with other amino acids to form different structure i.e. leads to a different function. Genes in arthrobacter phage genomes are used to explore whether this change is significant and affects the preference for the start codons in specific genes based on the change or lack thereof. The start codons for tape measure protein, major tail proteins, and minor tail proteins in the annotated genome of known sequenced arthrobacter phage were collected using DNA Master and the PhagesDB database to determine the start codons of the genes that produce these proteins. The gene length, genome length, cluster %GC, and direction of the genes were also recorded to determine possible factors that make one start codon preferable to another. i.e. ribosomal binding and initiation of translation, in the phage genome. Raptor X and Jmol are used to determine the most probable structure of the product protein based on the amino acid sequence. Protein models are produced for each type of protein using different start codons and the structures are then compared.


this research will require a great deal of data collection as there are a little more than 200 sequenced arthrobacter phages. enough data can be collected for the research in the given time.

Future steps

do more research, look into primary literature and find more tools that can be used.

April 18

Individual research 2



to learn to conduct individual research, from the process of making a research question, to designing the methods and concluding from the acquired results.


  1. The individual research was worked on
  2. the group members found the start codons for their assigned proteins using phages db for the fasta file and dna master for the sequence.
  3. group made the project outline
  4. The grouped worked until the end of lab.


so far. no real results. a lot of  the data collection has been performed.

project outline:


Analysis of start codons and change in structure due to start codons in proteins from arthrobacter phages

Guiding Question:

Can a different start site affect the translation of the gene sequence? Will it change the structure of the product protein? If the structure does not change, is there a possible reason to prefer a certain start codon over another?


ATG, TTG and GTG are the three start codons that initiate gene translation. But there is no known correlation between the start codons and the genes. Is there a factor that makes one start site preferable to another?. To answer this question, the start codons for tape measure protein, major tail protein and minor tail proteins were collected to find possible correlations. To analyze the structure of the product protein, predicted models were produced for the same protein using different start codons to see if there was a significant change in structure due to the change in start codons.

List of tools used

Phages DB, DNA Master, raptor x and jmol

Introduction (Background Information)

The standard genetic code table has one start codon, ATG. Over the years, however, many studies have demonstrated that alternative start codons, such as GTG and TTG, could be utilized for translation initiation. In accord of ranking of the start codons, genes starting with ATG are, on average, expressed at significantly higher levels than genes that start with GTG, and the very few genes that contain the start TTG. This is generally the case for genes in other bacteria as well, with ATG being the predominant start codon.

The AUG starts are replaced by GUG and especially UUG significantly less frequently than expected under the neutral expectation derived from the frequencies of the respective nucleotide triplet substitutions in non-coding regions and in 4-fold degenerate sites. Thus, AUG is the optimal start start codon that is actively maintained sites

Types of Data Collected

All the start codons of sequenced and annotated phages

Predicted protein structure of tape measure proteins with different start codons

Results (to date)

All start codons have been determined for tape measure proteins and major tail proteins.

Structures are still to be modelled and collected.

Conclusions (if any have been drawn)

As data is still being collected, we do not have any conclusions as of now


this research will require a great deal of data collection as there are a little more than 200 sequenced arthrobacter phages. enough data can be collected for the research in the given time.

Future steps

do more research, look into primary literature and find more tools that can be used.

April 17

Abstract (4/17/19)


Compose an abstract about the individual research project.


  1. Utilized outline created previously to write.
  2. Read over abstract draft for mistakes.


The following image shows the abstract written.


Abstract was written.

Future Work:

More research will be performed using Jmol to find catalytic regions of other Arthrobacter lysins.