April 22

Forgotton Cure 3

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One of the biggest problems in phage therapy has been in the approval process.   Describe the trouble surrounding FDA approval and recommend some suggestions to improve the process of phage therapy approval.

The approval process for any drug or treatment is extremely tedious and complex. The FDA approval process has a structure so complicated that one needs experts to be able to complete this process. Besides that, the FDA also has a high standard for evidence and definitive results, which is extremely difficult to meet due to the limitations on time and resources. It requires years and millions of dollars to get through the approval process of the FDA to even begin human trials and is even worse for approval for the market. In terms of phage therapy, increasing the awareness of this treatment among scientist and doctors would help improve the process. This will allow the FDA to have pool of experts to consult with on the topic, which decrease the amount of miscommunication that may exist between the companies and the FDA. Increase of funding from the government would also help these companies as it will give them more resources, which will allow them to sustain themselves while they wait during the approval process.

Posted April 22, 2019 by aman_patel1 in category Aman Patel, Dr. Adair

3 thoughts on “Forgotton Cure 3

  1. lily_goodman1

    I agree with your comment about how raising awareness can lead to more funding and ultimately a better chance at having phage therapy approved for use in the United States by the FDA. It is truly tragic that healthcare and improvements in healthcare are so intertwined with money.

  2. cooper_johnson1

    Aman, I agree with your stance on increasing funding for this field of research, as I took the same stance in my response. I was wondering if you were grappling with the thought of maybe passing legislature that would not only increase funding, but perhaps somehow streamline the process for FDA approval. I know it may be a bit of strecth, but it was something that I thought of while writing my response and wanted to know if you had any similar thoughts or comments. I enjoyed reading your response and it is nice to know that you more or less agree with me on this topic.

  3. Lucy

    Hey Aman,
    I agree with you that more awarness will help improve the approval process. I also think increases in funding would be really helpful too. What do you think about using phage to treat food animals? Will this help the approval process in humans?


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