April 18

Individual Research Cont. 4/17/19

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Title: Individual Research Continued

Date: 17 April 2019

Rationale: The purpose of this lab was to find a tool that can predict a function for our sequence, as well as look more into literature and write a rough draft of an abstract.

Procedure: The group members perused NCBI PubMed for articles that pertained to or revealed information for our sequence or those like it. The promoter prediction method on DNA Master appeared helpful and will be utilized further as the group ran out of time for this day. The group also worked to write an abstract that will be used for the presentation.

Results/Observations: The promoter finder revealed that there may be a promoter in the region of our sequence, but no hard results were found as we were not able to pinpoint the sequence on DNA Master yet, we had just figured out how to use the tool right as time ran out. The group was able, however, to fully devise an abstract that explains our progress so far.

Conclusions/Next Steps: In the next lab session, we will likely be focusing primarily on the promoter finder on DNA Master as well as refining our abstract to reflect any potential findings from it. We will also likely be trying to find any more supporting literature for our project in order to defend our results.

Posted April 18, 2019 by cooper_johnson1 in category Cooper Johnson

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