April 17

Outlining and Lysin Analyzing (4/15/19)

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Outline an abstract about the individual research project and use bioinformatic tools to analyze different lysins that infect Arthrobacter.


  1. Outlined an abstract about individual research project.
  2. Used tools such as PhagesDB, NCBIp BLAST, and TMHMM to analyze AL, AM, and AN cluster phages’s lysins and holins.


The following image shows the outline created.

The following images show the chart created to organize data collected from search.

(Clusters AL (Shrooms) –– AN (Muttlie)-21ktwwj)


After looking through phages from Cluster AL (Shrooms) to Cluster AN (Muttlie) it was found that generally AL cluster phages had a lysin A with a PGRP superfamily CDD with a holin. AM clusters generally had an endolysin around gene 5 with a Peptidase_M23 superfamily CDD with holin. AN cluster phages generally either had two lysin A with one lysin A with a Peptidase_M23 superfamily CDD at gene 16 and the other lysin A with a PGRP superfamily CDD and a holin around gene 18. The other commonly found pattern followed in AN cluster phages was an endolysin and a holin around gene 18. Despite having two different trends all AN cluster lysin genes had the same Pham numbers. Only AM cluster phages had the “HLH” catalytic region.

Future Work:

Continue analyzing different phages lysins and holins.

Posted April 17, 2019 by Kathryn Adkins in category Kathryn Adkins

About the Author

Kathryn Adkins is currently a freshman attending Baylor University majoring in neuroscience with a minor in biochemistry.  She hopes to one day earn an M.D./Ph.D. and become a pediatric oncologist and cancer researcher. Kathryn volunteers at Cook Children’s Hospital in Fort Worth and is actively involved in AMSA (American Medical Student Association) and BURST (Baylor University Research in Science and Technology).

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