April 11

4.8.2019 Furthering Investigation of Repeats

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4.8.2019 Furthering Investigation of Repeats

Rationale: At the end of the previous lab, we focused on one particular repeat of interest. Today, it would be beneficial to gain more knowledge and information about that repeat to determine whether or not there are interesting findings to be had.

Procedure: Today, DNA Master and NCBI BLAST were used to analyze this particular repeat along with Phamerator. We examined sequences in DNA Master and used Phamerator and NCBI BLAST to contextualize our results.

Results: The repeat in NapoleonB along with the other members of the AM bacteriophage cluster had an inverted repeat of TAAA and AAAT, leading us to the hypothesis that this sequence may be a transposon.

Conclusions: Since there was an inverted repeat that was present in a conserved sequence, we hypothesized that this could be a transposon, as it has all of the basic qualities of that phenomenon. However, more investigation to confirm this idea is needed before any direct and influential data can be compiled and had conclusions drawn from it.

Next Steps: On Wednesday, we will take a more detailed look at trying to determine the classification of this sequence.

Posted April 11, 2019 by henry_burns1 in category Henry Burns

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