April 8

Analyzing Conserved domains of Gene 61 4/8/19

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Rationale: Since I was not able to find a relationship between gene 61 and 62 using protein-protein interaction I decided to go back to looking through NCBI and CDD to find evidence for a function for this gene.

Tools: BLASTp, Jmol, RaptorX, CDD


1. Blasted the gene 61 of NapoleonB against actinobacteria.

2. Resulted in  a hit against streptomyces which I looked more into the gene it hit to.

3. Located 3 conserved domains within the streptomyces  gene.

4. Lined up the conserved domain location to  the location that the NapoleonB  gene  matched with the streptomyces gene.

5. Found that the conserved domain G5 lined up  with the gene from NapoleonB.

6. Analyzed the structure of a G5 domain and compared to the predicted structure of  gene  61 and  found that  they are extremely similar.


Conclusions  and Future  Work: This  most likely  means  that this gene was  just  picked up at the same time as the  DNA polymerase. Now we are going to  work on  putting together a phylogenetic tree mapping the members of this group of  clusters. Also I  will start looking for other instances of groupings of clusters.

Posted April 8, 2019 by sriram_avirneni1 in category Sriram Avirneni

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