April 5


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  • APRIL 1ST 2019
    • To make sure all are prepared for poster presentations, and can answer questions on the poster
    • Students went up to the poster and presented to the class in their groups
    • People asked questions and proper answers were generated 
    • N/A
    • Students were prepared to present and answer questions on the poster 
    • Formally present the poster at URSA scholars week, and continue working on in depend project
  • APRIL 3RD 2019 
    • To create a timeline for independent projects 
    • A google docs was shared where group members added information to create a timeline of project 
    • Phamerator was looked at to determine what specific genes the group wanted to look into 
    • 4/8 : Determine protein structure of gene 62, and see how it interacts with upstream gene 59
    • 4/10: look at synteny and try to come up with a method of representation for synteny of other clusters for gene 62
    • 4/15: Have evidence to show the types of modules in Napoleon/AM cluster. Make setup for presentation, have background rough draft. 
    • 4/17, 19: Start constructing basic outline presentation, look into evidence for gene function in the different types of module. Start on Methods and figures. 
    • 4/22: Organize database of collected evidence for each gene in each module. Began constructing Results. Ensure phylogenetic tree is accurate and well made.  
    • 4/24 Continue collection of evidence for module 1, 2, 
    • 4/29 Finish final touches on presentation, and be able to flawlessly run through the presentation 
    • 5/1- Practice Presentations
      • 59 gene interaction: using raptor x, no correlation 
      • Bing, clustered in BI1: 
      • 60: transmembrane protein matches own cluster, BI 
      • Newly identified, used to calculate it can fit inside the membrane
      • Used synteny phage Camille, and other EL phages that have the same membrane protein.  
    • A timeline was made and there will be further investigation into gene 59 of Napoleon B
    • To analyze proteins made by gene 59 in AM cluster
    • Continue to read primary literature 

Posted April 5, 2019 by laurenfoley_foley1 in category Lauren Foley

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