March 25

March 25 2019 Independent Project Questions

Purpose: The purpose of this lab is to develop questions for the final project.



  • Provided Canvas resources
  • Microsoft Word


  1. Ideas were generated for question topics, and it was decided that the areas of most interest to the group were %GC and repeats in NapoleonB.
  2. Four questions were generated, relating to %GC or repeats.
  3. Questions were submitted to Canvas.

The results of this lab were four potential questions. This will help the group to begin the independent project.

In conclusion, four potential questions were written, but it was not decided which question would be researched.

Future Work:
Future work will include choosing a question from the four created and beginning the research process to answer the question.


March 25

Brainstorming Research Questions 3/25/19

Rationale: In order to move forward with independent research we must first think of a question we want to test. Therefore, we brainstormed some questions that seem interesting for us to test.

Tools: Phamerator, Word


  1. Explored the phamerator map looking for interesting things about NapoleonB.
  2. Found an interesting pattern between NapoleonB’s DNA polymerase gene and other phages that have the same pham DNA polymerase.
  3. Found patterns in the synteny between members of the 19129 pham.
  4. Developed question based off the found pattern.

Results: N/A

Conclusion and Future Work: There seems to be a gene right before the DNA polymerase that always shows up in these clusters in the same spot. We must discuss as a group whether this is a good idea to pursue as  an independent research question.

March 22

Labs- 3/18 and 3/20

  • MARCH 18TH, 2019
  • To work on changes that need to be made on poster 
  • Adobe spark was used to search for icons that could be used for the headers on the poster 
  • The icons were then colored white, then were copied and pasted into GoogleSlide and were sized accordingly (See in image below)
  • Icons were added to each header in order to create a more cohesive poster 
  • Icons were added to headers
  • Decide on topic for independent project 
  • MARCH 20TH, 2019
  • Start researching an independent project idea, and fix issues with poster
  • Google Doc was made to answer QTM 
  • Icons on poster were edited in size 
  • Topics were researched for independent project idea 
  • QTM was submitted 
  • QTM was submitted, and initial research was started on independent project
  • Continue researching and find a topic/question to research 
March 22

Individual Poster



To fix the last few details of the poster and to start looking at reasearch topics for the individual poster.


  • Disscused the individual posters
  • Looked at the different resources available for research
  • Added the red and green circles indicating deleted and inserted genes onto the new phamerator
  • Answered the QTM questions

Fig.11 – This image shows the new phamerator that was inserted into the poster. The red circles indicate deleted genes and the green circles indicate inserted genes.


Fininshed the last details of the class poster and started on the individual posters. Next lab we will decide on a research topic and start working on the research.

March 22

3-20-19 — Independent Research Project

Independent Research Project

Date: 3-22-19

  • Rational
    • The rational for this lab is to brainstorm ideas for a research project over the genome of Arthrobacter ATCC 2102.
  • Procedure
    1. Groups of two or three were formed to work on individual projects.
    2. Ideas were discussed between group members.
    3. Arthrobacter phage data, including GC%, location found, cluster, and genome size was recorded from PhagesDB for phages that infect Arthrobacter ATCC 21022.
  • Results
    • A project idea of comparing relative phylogenetic relatedness between Arthrobacter phages was chosen.
  • Future Plans
    • The next step is to continue gathering data from PhagesDB in order to collect a large enough sample size to perform different genome enlightenment and data analysis.
March 22

Final Poster Edits (3/18/19)


Each group was assigned certain parts of a poster to finalize the edits and texts.



  • Poster
  • Groups
  • Adobe Spark
  • Google Slides
  • Personal Computer



  • The groups were formed and each was assigned to a certain part of the poster to finalize.



Groups were made to edit and finalize the poster.


To begin the independent research project

March 22

Independent Research Project (3/20/19)


FInalizations for the poster were discussed then corrected.  Then, each group was assigned to a team leader and work on the independent project began.



  • Personal Computational Device



  • After the discussion of the small things that needed to be fixed on the poster was done, each group found out their team leader and then gathered in their groups to begin the independent project.
  • First, the group discussed potential questions that can be tested with the provided databases. A page was provided to act as a guide for the formation of the question.
  • Each individual of the group decided to pick their favorite topic then to do more research on their possible question.


After the poster discussion, groups were assigned to team leaders and then gathered to think of possible questions.



To come to an agreement with the group on which question would be best

March 22

3-18-19 — Poster Design

Poster Design

Date: 3-18-19

  • Rational
    • The rational for this lab is to make work on final edits for the class poster.
  • Procedure
    1. The class worked in individual groups to fix parts of the poster.
    2. My group found high resolution images to be placed on the poster.
  • Results
    • The final poster design was worked on as a class.


An image of the final poster.

  • Future Plans
    • The next step is to begin working on individual research projects.
March 22

Final Group Poster



To finish the class poster by editing the text and fixing any formatting that needs fixing.


  • The parts of the poster that needed work
  • Formatted the boxes surrounding the texts and figures to make them the same size
  • Changed all of the text to arial
  • Added red circles indcatng deleted genes to the phamerator
  • Added green circles indicatng inserted genes to the phamerator

Fig.10 – This image shows the final poster after all the edits have been made


The class poster was for the most part finished and only needs a few more details to be fixed. Next lab we will be put into groups and start working on our group posters.

March 22

3/20 ~ Final Poster Reflection and Individual Research Projects

Rationale: For the QTM, reflect on the final poster as well as choose a subject to focus the research project on



  • Final Poster Google Document
  • Computer



  • Opened and completed QTM, which was a reflection of the final poster
  • Worked with group members to find a topic that was to be the focus of the research project (Creating phylogenetic tree of bacteriophage)

Conclusion/Next Steps:

  • Will be sending the proposed research idea to the group mentor (Aadil) and hopefully it will be approved. In the upcoming labs, will be working on the scientific question to be answered with the project.