March 5

Final Poster Designs 3/4/19


Finish poster designs in large groups.


Small groups that created a rough draft of the final poster met to form a larger group. Ideas from both groups were used to form the final poster. The poster was compared, the layout was chosen, and the poster was saved as a powerpoint.


The final poster was completed.


The poster was finished and submitted. Both groups helped yield the final poster. The groups provided graphs and were consolidated into one poster.

Future plan: 

Fix any error in the poster, choose a poster that will best represent the class at URSA, and to present this final poster to the class so this final poster can be in consideration for the poster that will represent the class.

March 4

March 4 2019 Poster Design

Purpose: The purpose of this lab is to finish poster designs in large groups.



  • Google Slides
  • Powerpoint


  1. Small groups met with large poster groups to compare posters.
  2. Posters were compared, and a layout was chosen.
  3. Information from both posters was combined into one poster. The design and layouts were chosen as a large group.
  4. The poster was saved and submitted.

The poster was completed.

In conclusion, the poster was finished and submitted. The two group posters were consolidated into one poster as a team.

Future Work:
Future work will include fixing any formatting errors in the poster, and practicing presenting the poster. Also, the posters will then need to be made into one final class poster.


March 4

Combining Group Posters 3/4/19

Rationale: Continuing to prepare for the presentation, we are combining poster ideas in order to make a better poster.

Tools: Excel, Powerpoint


  1. Joined with another group and worked on fitting both poster ideas together.
  2. Finished making the sunburst graph to look visually appealing.

Results: N/A

Conclusions and Future Work: Next we will practice presenting our posters to the class in order to find which poster is the best to use for Scholar’s Day.

March 1

Rough Draft of Scientific Poster (2/27/19)


From the templates made last class, a rough draft was made with a computational device along with the addition of the text for the introduction, discussions, and texts besides the figures.



  • Computational Device
  • Template
  • Google Slides



  • A rough draft of the scientific poster was made in google slides.
  • The introduction, discussions, and texts were all completed.



With the template, the rough draft of the poster was made with Google slides.



The best poster will be chosen.

March 1

Scientific Poster Rough Draft (2/25/19)

Rationale: Groups were made for the individual research group and rough drafts of the scientific posters were made.



  • Examples from previous years
  • Paper and Pencil



  • Groups were assigned then a template was made for the scientific poster.
  • The main focus of the template was for it to be symmetrical along with a good color scheme.
  • The results of each lab were divided into the “wet lab” and the “in silico lab.”
  • The abstract was left out as it took up too much space.




Because it was decided that the best template provided symmetry and color scheme, the template was based on that idea.



With the template, a rough draft of the poster will be made with the usage of a computational device.

March 1

Poster Rough Draft



To start the rough draft of the poster using the drawing from last lab.


  • Set up the different sections of the poster (introduction, title, methods and results, etc.)
  • Added information under the sections
  • Created figures for the poster


  • The poster is currently set up in rows (left to right), but columns might work better (top to bottom)

Fig.7 – This image shows the rough draft of the poster as of now.


Started the rough draft of the poster and created figures for the poster. Next lab we will finish the rough draft of the poster and fix problems on the poster.

March 1

Poster Ideas



To create the poster design for our first presentation with our assigned group.


  • Disscussed different posters to get an idea of what works and what doesn’t
  • With assigned group disscused how to set up the poster
  • Drew the poster design
  • Drew potential figure designs

Fig.6 – This image shows the sketch of the poster that was done, which outlines how the poster will be set up.


A sketch of our poster was done showing how the poster will look. Next lab we will use this as a guide to make the rough draft of our poster.

March 1

feb 25 + 27



  • Create an outline for posters 
  • Class was broken into groups of three
  • Posters from previous years were analyzed 
  • Within those groups, a piece of paper was used to outline the layout of the poster
  • Layouts were created and passed in
  • Students will understand the layout of their own poster 
  • Design a the poster on PowerPoint 
  • FEBRUARY 27TH 2019
  • Create a more finalized version of posters
  • A PowerPoint file was created where a layout for the poster, along with the information was added 
  • A semi-finished poster was created (see figure below)
  • Poster layout has been determined, but information must be added 
  • More information will be added to the poster, and a color scheme will be picked 
March 1

Beginning Poster Production

Rationale: Discuss the minutiae and specifics of producing a scientific poster, to be produced at Ursa Scholars day.


  • Reviewed posters from previous years
  • Found what we did, did not like aesthetically, as well as the included subjects
  • Broke into groups
  • Discussed how to present our information effectively, especially compared to the other posters
  • Outlined the basics of how we would like to lay out our poster
  • Decided to bullet point most information, for speed and organizational purposes

  • Drew out the outline on a piece of paper
  • Turned in the draft as our QTM

Future Plans:
Use the draft to construct our poster as a group, and refine until it is presentable.

March 1

Poster Work

Purpose: work on the rough draft of our poster for URSA Scholars day.


  • Reviewed previous poster designs
  • Created 48″ by 48″ PowerPoint slide
  • Added text boxes to outline the different parts of the poster
  • Filled in titles and other basic information to build a rough skeleton
  • Completed several boxes of information
  • Found graphics and added phamerartor figures
  • Struggled to get online powerpoint service to update correctly
  • Played around with colors and little details until the end of lab

Results: Now we have a nearly complete poster, missing a good color scheme and revised details for each category.

Future Plans: Continue revising the poster until we present for the class.