03/06/19 Class Poster Decisions/ Starterator
The purpose of today’s lab was to decide as a class on which poster to present as well as checking my starterator annotations.
- PowerPoint
- DNA Master
- Starterator PhagesDB
- Each group presented their poster submissions, and the class voted on which to use.
- Starterator annotations for genes 61-64 were checked and fixed accordingly.
- Genes 61 and 63 were changed to NI instead of SS and genes 62 and 64 were left as SS.
- This was the poster that won the majority of the class
- Possible additional poster elements
Genes 61 and 63 were changed to NI as the starterator did not aid with any start calls as I disagreed with the starterator report. Also the poster that was chosen by the class is the poster that the class will continue to work with to present.
Next Steps:
Polish and refine the elements on the poster as well as looking to add some “meat” to the poster.