March 28

Research Question Drafts

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to learn to conduct individual research, from the process of making a research question, to designing the methods and concluding from the acquired results.


  1. The possible topics were researched
  2.  The tools available for use were researched.
  3. based on the known information, possible topics and available tools, 4 possible research questions were formed
  4. Coaches were consulted for advice on questions.


the following questions are the possible research questions to be looked at

  1. Is there a similarity in start site preferences for certain protein between the Napoleon B and other phages in cluster AM? If so, is there a similarity between other clusters? What is the importance of identifying these start site preferences? Can it be an identifier or supporting evidence for the existence of the specific gene? Can a different start site affect the transcription of the protein?
  2. Is there a relation between the transposons in the genome of Napoleon B and other phages in the AM clusters?
  3. Are there any similarities between the stoperators for Napoleon B and known stoperators for mycobacteriophage L5?
  4. Can slight differences in nucleotide sequences lead to different protein structures within the AM cluster and other, similar clusters?


the first question is likely to be the one which will be researched. currently, more consultation will be required to refine the question and come up with a possible method to answer the question.

Future steps

do more research, look into primary literature and find more tools that can be used.

Posted March 28, 2019 by aman_patel1 in category Aman Patel, Dr. Adair

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