Continuing Graph Making 3/20/19
Rationale: I currently only have half the data I need to make the graph so I’m going to be searching for the database call and making the graph today.
Tools: Excel, DNAMaster, phagesDB, Phamerator, Javascript, Meteor, MySQL, CLion, Purdue Robotics Operating System(PROS)
1. Sifted through phamerator code to locate call to Meteor script. Followed meteor script call to 236th line of code in Phamerator. Copied the 236th line of code into PROS to do further analysis.
2. Broke single line of code into a more readable format using PROS which resulted in 467 pages of code.
3. Read through the code to find database call which led me to the Hatfull database which is written in MySQL.
4. Used the Hatfull database to collect data on which AM phages are in each pham that the genes for NapoleonB were called to.
5. Graphed results in Excel.
Conclusions and Future Work: The Hatfull database is extremely useful and could be used for a lot more bioinformatic endeavors. The coming weeks we will be conducting our individual research in a group under the guidance of Aadil.