March 18

Using Databases to Graph Results 3/18/19

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Rationale: In order to collect the  data needed to create a graph to display the comparison between the amount of AM phages that are a member of a pham against non-AM phages that are members I need data from the phamerator and phagesDB databases.

Tools: Excel, DNAMaster, phagesDB, Phamerator, Javascript, Meteor, MySQL, CLion, Purdue Robotics Operating System(PROS)


1. Loaded the phagesDB database into Excel to test to see if I could access the pham data from there. That ended up not working.

2. Went to phamerator and started analyzing  code of the website using Meteor, Javascript, and PROS. Meteor is built on Javascript and is what phamerator is built with.

3. Exported the pham map of NapoleonB as a .svg file then used Atom to change it in to a text file that could be parsed using a C script.

4. Gave the parameters to parse by to Rachel to write a code in CLion to locate the gene number, pham, and total members in the pham.



Conclusions and Future Work: There is still much more digging that I need to do to get all the data required. Over the coming days I will analyze more code to find where the database call is in the phamerator code.


Posted March 18, 2019 by sriram_avirneni1 in category Sriram Avirneni

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