Annotation of Genes 34-36 in NapoleonB (2/13/19)
Upon the completion of the annotation of gene 33, genes 34-36 were annotated with the usage of a variety of programs and databases.
- Personal Computational Device
- DNA Master
- PhagesDB
- GeneMark
- After the annotation of gene 33 was checked, the annotation of gene 34 began after the gene was viewed on DNA Master to determine if it had any gaps or overlaps.
- Because there was a gap, a better reading frame to minimize the gap was attempted to be found but the original was the largest open reading frame.
- From the databases, evidence was gathered to prove the function which showed to have no known function.
- The annotation of gene 34 was shown to be
- After the completion of 34, gene 35 was viewed on DNA Master and it was seen that the best open reading frame was not chosen
- To change the frame, the 5′ base pair was changed to obtain the best frame.
- After the change, the coding potential was viewed which showed that there was no coding potential regardless if the best or original reading frame was chosen.
- The annotation of gene 35 was shown to be
- Gene 36 was then annotated with the same process that was used to determine the annotation of gene 34.
For this lab, genes 34-36 were annotated and gene 33 was checked. The 5′ end of gene 35 had to be changed to fit the best open reading frame and then the coding potential was viewed on GeneMark. Other than this difference, all the genes required evidence to prove that the function was what it was which was no known function for all the genes.
Because the annotation for all the genes have been completed and checked, individual research questions will be thought of for the individual projects.