February 22

FEB 18th-20th labs

  • FEBRUARY 18TH, 2019
    • Double check annotation starts, work on abstracts 
    • DNA master and gene mark were used to double check starts and stops of genes
    • A google doc was created in order to work on a group-made abstract 
    • Submitted abstract that was constructed as a group
    • No start codons were changed 
    • Gene starts have been double checked and, abstract was constructed 
    • Edit the abstract if corrections are necessary 
  • FEBRUARY 20TH, 2019
    • Understand poster design, and go over hard calls on Napoleon B
    • DNA master was use to examine the ORF’s of questionable genes 
    • Example posters were viewed in order to understand design 
    • Questionable genes were edited 
    • Important components of a poster were noted 
    • Students understand the fundamental layout of posters 
    • Deign a poster 
February 22

NapoleonB Annotations 2/20/19

Rationale: Visually review fully annotated genomes and double check start codons


The class went through the entire genome and looked at genes that seemed off – for example having too large gaps, too much overlap, or not the longest ORF.


Several gene start codons were corrected.

Next Steps:

Refine abstract and begin poster.

February 22

NapoleonB Annotations and Abstract 2/18/19

Rationale: Check annotations and answer Lathan’s questions as well as construct abstracts.


Within groups, we double checked our annotations according to Lathan’s suggestions.

We then worked on constructing an abstract within out group.


My group changed a start codon of one of the genes and submitted an abstract.

Next Steps:

Refine abstract and begin poster.

February 22

Poster Basics and NapoleonB Checks 2/20/19


Today we will look more closely at the entire completed genome of NapoleonB and learn more about the basics of scientific poster making.


  • The entire annotated genome of NapoleonB was looked over by the class.
  • Large gaps were analyzed to determine if certain genes should be elongated or if new genes should be inserted.
  • Mistakes that were made with inserting data into PhageNotes were fixed.
  • After the genome was checked by the class, a quick overview of various scientific posters was given.


The varying red flags that were raised were looked over by the class and fixed by those who originally annotated the gene. No corrections were made on genes 85-88.

Conclusion/Next Steps

Next, we will revise the abstracts submitted on 2/18/19. Posters will begin to be made in groups after evaluating what is important for each group member, in terms of poster content and design.

February 22

Abstract Drafts and Check of NapoleonB 2/18/19


Today we aim to check the annotations of NapoleonB and come together in groups to make an abstract of the research conducted last semester and this semester.


  • DNA Master
  • PhagesDB
  • NCBI
  • Phamerator
  • Genemark
  • HHPred


  • An abstract draft was made by combining the stronger parts of other student’s abstracts in the group.
  • The annotations for gene 96 was re-evaluated due to a large gap present between genes 95 and 96.
  • Coding potential, and PhagesDB and NCBI blast hits were re-evaluated to determine whether or not the large gap should be closed.
  • Phamerator was employed to compare the different regions to various AM cluster phages.


The revised abstract was submitted. The large gap between genes 95 and 96 was deemed to possess a lack of need to be altered.

Conclusion/Next Steps

Next, we will finalize the abstract draft made. We will also look more closely at the full annotated genome of NapoleonB before submitting.

February 22

2-20-19 — Gene Annotation Final Revision

Gene Annotation Final Revision

Date: 2-20-19

  • Rational
    • The rational for this lab is to revise the annotations for the entire genome of NapoleonB before submission.
  • Procedure
    1. The class as a whole looked over the entirety of NapoleonB’s genome.
    2. Gaps were evaluated to see if new potential genes could be added with support from databases instead of being left blank.
    3. Overlaps that were too large were evaluated as a class to determine if they were accurately called or not.
    4. The class evaluated whether or not data had been correctly entered from student notes to the collective class google sheets page.
  • Results
    • NapoleonB’s genome was evaluated as a class and determined to be accurate as a whole.
  • Future Plans
    • The next step is to submit the annotations and to finalize an abstract. A poster needs to be planned and finished in order to present the research done. The next step is also to begin working on an individual research project.
February 22

2-18-19 — Abstract Refinement and Assigned Gene Corrections

Abstract Refinement and Assigned Gene Corrections

Date: 2-18-19

  • Rational
    • The rational for this lab is to work on refining our abstract drafts as well as to correct genes with questionable calls for NapoleonB.
  • Procedure
    1. Groups were formed and abstracts between each member were compared.
    2. A consolidated version of the abstracts was created and submitted for further critique.
    3. The group was tasked with analyzing the calls made for gene 44.
    4. Phamerator, NCBI BLAST, and starterator, as well as the upstream gene – gene 43 – were studied to see whether gene 44 could be edited and called at a later start codon
    5. The gene was moved from a start codon at bp 30318 to a start codon at bp 30372.
  • Results
    • NapoleonB gene 44 was shortened to a new start codon to avoid an overlap of 86 bp, which is too much of an overlap to be accurate according to data on previously annotated genomes.
  • Future Plans
    • The next step is check the rest of the annotations to make sure they are accurate before submission. Also a final class abstract must be constructed from each group.
February 22

Gene Annotation and Poster Design (2/20/19)


The genome was looked over to make sure that every gap was accounted for in order to make sure each function was found. To check, databases such as NCBI, PhagesDB, GeneMark, and Phamerator were used to recheck the annotation for the genes. Also, an introduction to research posters was made.



  • FIrst, the entire genome was looked over as a class to check and make sure that each gene reached it’s longest open reading frame.
  • While the class skimmed over the genes, several genes had massive gaps between them and the previous genes which led to the genes being checked with the help of the databases to make sure that it was the best open reading frame.
  • After the genome was checked and corrected, an introduction to posters was made which discussed the importance of small, certain aspects on the overall presentation.
  • The class divided into the groups and discussed which aspect of the posters was the most important and what final preparations needed to be made before the posters were made.



As a class, the genome was looked over to make sure that gaps were covered and some discussion occurred as to why some gaps could not be covered. Along with that, the small details of symmetry and figures in posters were discussed in class. Groups from previous class rejoined to discuss the importance of certain aspects of the poster.


The class may be divided into groups for individual research projects.

February 22

Finalization of Abstracts and Corrections of Assigned Genes (2/18/19)


Groups were made and assigned to correct and go over the assigned gene to make sure that there were no mistakes in the annotation. Also, the groups were assigned to finalize an abstract through the addition of each group members abstract into the final abstract.



  • Personal Computational Device
  • DNA Master
  • NCBI
  • PhagesDB
  • Phamerator



  • The group was assigned gene 96 and to elongate the gene was much as possible to obtain a better reading for the function.
  • Different frames were tried out to determine if the function changed based on the results from the coding potential on GeneMark.
  • One coding potential was the best within the frame; however, it overlapped with the next gene.
  • After it was decided that no other gene was able to fill the whole coding potential, the original gene was kept.
  • The original gene was kept and the abstracts were finalized by the incorporation of every group members part of their abstract into the final one.


Groups were created to correct the genes which were assigned. The group was told to look over the large gap between gene 95 and 96 and to determine if the gap can be coded with the addition of new genes. New genes were created in the forward and the reverse in order to achieve the best coding potential, but it was later decided that the original gene had the best coding potential. Also, abstracts were revised to create a final abstract with the abstracts of all the group members.



Questions for the individual projects will be decided along with the structure of the poster.

February 22

Annotation Check for NapoleonB & Abstract Draft Continue 2.20.19


To begin the genome analysis of phage NapoleonB, DNA Master has been chosen to be the software to annotate the genetic sequence. PhageNotes is also introduced as a convenient way to annotate genes and revising them. Abstract for the presentation was discussed, since an abstract should concisely inform readers or poster viewers the important points of the research.

  • Laptop
  • DNA Mastering Program
  • Gene sequence of phage NapoleonB
  1. The whole annotation result was reviewed as a class and few adjustments were made, mostly data input error.
  2. The important points that should show up in an abstract and a poster was discussed.
Results/Next Steps:

There are a couple large gaps in the NapoleonB genome that is conserved but showed no coding potential and protein blast hits, and a reverse blast hit was found in the forward gene region.

In the next lab abstracts and posters would be the main focus.