The genome was looked over to make sure that every gap was accounted for in order to make sure each function was found. To check, databases such as NCBI, PhagesDB, GeneMark, and Phamerator were used to recheck the annotation for the genes. Also, an introduction to research posters was made.
- FIrst, the entire genome was looked over as a class to check and make sure that each gene reached it’s longest open reading frame.
- While the class skimmed over the genes, several genes had massive gaps between them and the previous genes which led to the genes being checked with the help of the databases to make sure that it was the best open reading frame.
- After the genome was checked and corrected, an introduction to posters was made which discussed the importance of small, certain aspects on the overall presentation.
- The class divided into the groups and discussed which aspect of the posters was the most important and what final preparations needed to be made before the posters were made.

As a class, the genome was looked over to make sure that gaps were covered and some discussion occurred as to why some gaps could not be covered. Along with that, the small details of symmetry and figures in posters were discussed in class. Groups from previous class rejoined to discuss the importance of certain aspects of the poster.
The class may be divided into groups for individual research projects.