Annotate gene 72
to acquire the annotated genome of napoleon b,
- opened DNA master
- Opened FastA file for napoleon b using the following steps, File>open>FastA multiple sequence file> Choose NapoleonB.FastA
- clicked export on window with the extracted file and then choose Create sequence from this entry only.
- opened frames and went to DNA> Frames.
- then clicked ORF on the new window to see the highlighted genes.
- Gene 72 was annotated
- NCBI was used to blast the gene and acquire genes in the database that matched with the query gene, which was used to find the possible similarity and function of the query gene
- Genemark was used to check the coding potential covered by the gene and the possible changes that could be made if possible to acquire the longest ORF possible.
- Phagesdb was used to blast the gene and acquire genes in the database that belonged to other phages that matched with the query gene, which was used to find the possible similarity and function of the query gene
- HHpred was used to predict the protein structure of the gene product, which was run through its database (Pfam and COG)for a possible matches with other proteins, which could be used to predict the function of the protein.
- Phamerator was used to compare the genome of napoleonb to other phages in the same category to compare syntony of the genes.
- phage notes was used for input of all the required information for genomic annotation.
NCBI ,BLAST and HHpred yielded the above results for gene 72.
Gene 72 has no known function because the Blast matches are hypothetical proteins and HHpred yielded a hypothetical protein.
Future Steps
Don’t really know what we are going to do now. most likely begin discussing results of the annotation.