February 14

Annotate gene 72



to acquire the annotated genome of  napoleon b,


  1. opened  DNA master
  2. Opened FastA file for napoleon b using the following steps, File>open>FastA multiple sequence file> Choose NapoleonB.FastA
  3. clicked export on window with the extracted file and then choose Create sequence from this entry only.
  4. opened frames and went to DNA> Frames.
  5. then clicked ORF on the new window to see the highlighted genes.
  6. Gene 72 was annotated
  7. NCBI was used to blast the gene and acquire genes in the database that matched with the query gene, which was used to find the possible similarity and function of the query gene
  8. Genemark was used to check the coding potential covered by the gene and the possible changes that could be made if possible to acquire the longest ORF possible.
  9. Phagesdb was used to blast the gene and acquire genes in the database that belonged to other phages that matched with the query gene, which was used to find the possible similarity and function of the query gene
  10. HHpred was used to predict the protein structure of the gene product, which was run through its database (Pfam and COG)for a possible matches with other proteins, which could be used to predict the function of the protein.
  11. Phamerator was used to compare the genome of napoleonb to other phages in the same category to compare syntony of the genes.
  12. phage notes was used for input of all the required information for genomic annotation.


NCBI ,BLAST and HHpred yielded the above results for gene 72.


Gene 72 has no known function because the Blast matches are hypothetical proteins and HHpred yielded a hypothetical protein.

Future Steps

Don’t really know what we are going to do now. most likely begin discussing results of the annotation.

February 14

Gene Annotation for Napoleon B



to acquire the annotated genome of  napoleon b,


  1. opened  DNA master
  2. Opened FastA file for napoleon b using the following steps, File>open>FastA multiple sequence file> Choose NapoleonB.FastA
  3. clicked export on window with the extracted file and then choose Create sequence from this entry only.
  4. opened frames and went to DNA> Frames.
  5. then clicked ORF on the new window to see the highlighted genes.
  6. Gene 69, 70, and 71 were annotated
  7. NCBI was used to blast each gene and acquire genes in the database that matched with the query gene, which was used to find the possible similarity and function of the query gene
  8. Genemark was used to check the coding potential covered by each gene and the possible changes that could be made if possible to acquire the longest ORF possible.
  9. Phagesdb was used to blast each gene and acquire genes in the database that belonged to other phages that matched with the query gene, which was used to find the possible similarity and function of the query gene
  10. HHpred was used to predict the protein structure of the gene product, which was run through its database (Pfam and COG)for a possible matches with other proteins, which could be used to predict the function of the protein.
  11. Phamerator was used to compare the genome of napoleonb to other phages in the same category to compare syntony of the genes.
  12. phage notes was used for input of all the required information for genomic annotation.


the function declared for all three genes was “no known function”.

the BLAST results yielded genes of unknown function, same was concluded for HHpred.


these three genes have no known function and do not seem to have any significance as of now. nothing further can currently be concluded.

Future steps

Finish annotation by annotating gene 72.

February 13

Annotation of hypothetical gene [563670, 53807] 2.13.19


To begin the genome analysis of phage NapoleonB, DNA Master has been chosen to be the software to annotate the genetic sequence. PhageNotes is also introduced as a convenient way to annotate genes and revising them.

  • Laptop
  • DNA Mastering Program
  • Gene sequence of phage NapoleonB
  1. The gene that was called on Phagesdb but not DNA Master was found, and protein sequence was Blasted on NCBI pBlast, Phagesdb pBlast, HHpred, NCBI CDD.
  2. Questions about annotations of gene 77-80 & *99 were submitted on canvas to lab TA’s.
Results/Next Steps:

The gene was found to be a match with Arthrobacter phage Circum on NCBI pBlast, however, the functionality of the protein is unknown, since the match was with a hypothetical protein. There were no good hits on HHpred, and no conserved domain was detected on CDD.

The next lab would be writing an Abstract and learning about Poster Design.

February 13

Annotation of gene 77~80 & *99 2.11.19


To begin the genome analysis of phage NapoleonB, DNA Master has been chosen to be the software to annotate the genetic sequence. PhageNotes is also introduced as a convenient way to annotate genes and revising them.

  • Laptop
  • DNA Mastering Program
  • Gene sequence of phage NapoleonB
  1. Opened and auto-annotated the fasta file of NapoleonB downloaded from Phagesdb.
  2. Assigned genes were 77-80 & *99
  3. The genome sequence were uploaded to genemark to look more coding potential.
  4. The starterator on Phagesdb were found and considered.
  5. gene product sequence were then Blasted on NCBI pBlast, Phagesdb pBlast, HHpred, NCBI CDD.
  6. Looked for SIF-syn on Phamerator.
Results/Next Steps:
Gene 77:

SSC: 45552, 46064 CP: no SCS: Both ST:NI BLAST-Start: Arthrobacter phage Mudcat, 72, NCBI, Q1:S1, 99%, 6e-120 Gap:100 bp LO:yes RBS: Kibler7, Karlin medium, 2.442, -3.794, no F: HNH endonuclease SIF-BLAST: HNH endonuclease, NCBI, Arthrobacter phage Mudcat, 72, YP_009300761.1, 99%, 6e-120 SIF-HHPred: HNH endonuclease, NA, PF13392.6, 98%, 99.25%

Gene 78:

SSC: 46030, 46338 CP: yes SCS: Glimmer ST: NI BLAST-Start: Arthrobacter phage Mudcat, 73, NCBI, Q19:S1, 81%, 4e-52 Gap: overlap 35 LO: yes RBS: Kibler7, Karlin medium, 1.462, -5.943, no F: NKF SIF-BLAST: NKF (Hypothrtical protein) SIF-HHPred: NKF (Probability lower than 90%)

Gene 79:

SSC: 46338, 46625 CP: yes SCS: Both ST: SS BLAST-Start: Arthrobacter phage SEA ARCADIA, 78, NCBI, Q1:S1, 98%, 2e-64 Gap: 1 LO: yes RBS: Kibler7, Karlin medium, 3.160, -3.263, no F: SIF-BLAST: NKF SIF-HHPred: NKF

Gene 80:

SSC: 46626, 46757 CP: yes SCS: Glimmer ST: NI BLAST-Start: Arthrobacter phage KEANEYLIN, 75, NCBI, Q1:S1, 100%, 6e-21 Gap:0 LO: yes RBS: Kibler7, Karlin medium, 1.689, -6.149, yes F: NKF SIF-BLAST: NKF SIF-HHPred: NKF

Gene *99:

SSC: 57534, 57791 CP: yes SCS: Both ST: SS BLAST-Start: Arthrobacter phage Circum, 99, NCBI, Q1:S1, 98%, 9e-57 Gap: 11 LO: yes RBS: Kibler7, Karlin medium, 3.012, -3.054, no F: NKF SIF-BLAST: NKF SIF-HHPred: NKF

In the next lab, some of the problems regarding the genes would be addressed.

February 13

February 13 2019 Continuing to Annotate NapoleonB

Purpose: The purpose of this lab is to finish annotations of NapoleonB’s genes.



  • DNA Master
  • NCBI
  • PhagesDB
  • HHpred
  • Phamerator


  1. DNA Master, NCBI, PhagesDB, HHpred, and Phamerator were opened to begin annotations of genes 1-4 of NapoleonB.
  2. Annotations were completed for genes 1-4 were completed using the tools listed above.
  3. Work was saved and added to Phage Notes.


Gene 1

SSC:70 – 285, CP:No No start codon to cover all coding potential, SCS:Both, ST:SS, BLAST-Start:Aligns with circum gp1 NCBI BLAST q1:s1 98 5E-45, Aligns with Nason gp1 PhagesDB BLAST q1:s1 1 9E-36, Gap:first gene, LO:, RBS:Kibbler7 and Karlin Medium 2.601 -4.222 No, F:NKF, SIF-BLAST:NKF, SIF-HHPred:NKF, SIF-Syn:NKF

Gene 2

SSC:736 – 1083, CP:Yes, SCS:Both, ST:SS, BLAST-Start:Aligns with Mudcat gp3 NCBI BLAST q1:s1 0.99 3E-77, Aligns with Xenomorph draft gp2 PhagesDB BLAST q1:s1 1 6E-59, Gap:450bp gap, LO:No, RBS:Kibbler7 and Karlin Medium 2.765 -3.399 Yes, F:NKF, SIF-BLAST:NKF, SIF-HHPred:NKF, SIF-Syn:NKF

Gene 3

SSC:1076-1483, CP:No No start codon to cover all coding potential, SCS:Both, ST:SS, Blast-start: Aligns with Correa gp4 NCBI BLAST q1:s1 0.99 1E-96, Aligns with Tribby gp4 PhagesDB BLAST q1:s1 1 3E-77, Gap:8 overlap, LO:NA RBS:Kibler7 and Karlin Medium2.159 -5.634 No, F:HNH endonuclease, SIF-BLAST: HNH Endonuclease domain protein Supported by NCBI BLAST Correa gp4 ASR80065.1 0.99 1.00E-96, HNH Endonuclease domain protein Supported by PhagesDB BLAST Tribby gp4 NA 1 3.00E-77, SIF-HHPred:HNH endonuclease supported by COG gpNA COG3183 0.52 98.73, SIF-Syn:NKF


Gene 4

SSC:1506-2432 CP:Yes SCS:Both ST:SS Blast-start:Aligns with Circum gp5 NCBI BLAST q1:s1 0.99 0E+00, Aligns with KeaneyLin gp4 PhagesDB BLAST q1:s1 0.99 0E+00, Gap:22 gap, LO:Yes RBS:Kibler7,Karlin Medium 3.269 -2.511 No, F:endolysin, LysM-like, SIF-BLAST:endolysin Supported by NCBI BLAST Circum gp5 ASR80065.1 0.99 0, LysinA Supported by PhagesDB BLAST KeaneyLin gp4 NA 0.99 0, Peptidase Family M23 supported by a CD found from the Pfam databse  gpNA pfam01551 1.65E-22, SIF-HHPred:LysM supported by COG gpNA COG0739 0.41 99.36, SIF-Syn:NKF

In conclusion, genes 3 and 4 were determined to have a function, HNH endonuclease and endolysin respectivly. Genes 1 and 2 were determined to have no known function, as none of the results from BLAST or HHpred yielded any known function for these genes. All of the assigned genes have now been completed.

Future Work:
Future work will include checking all annotations to make sure they are correct and accurately reflect the results found. Also, the gap between gene 1 and 2 will need to be checked more thoroughly to determine if a gene needs to be added.


February 13

Finishing up Annotating NapoleonB Genes 31,32,94 2/13/19

Rationale:  In order to have a completely annotated genome for NapoleonB by the end of the week I worked on annotating the rest of the genes assigned to me. These were genes 31,32, and 94.

Tools: PhageNotes, DNAMaster, NCBI, PhagesDB, Phamerator, HHPred, Genemark


  1. First I found that all the genes were already at the largest open reading frame and covered all the coding potential so I noted that in my annotations.
  2. I blasted all the genes’ products and they all turned up with no known function.
  3. In HHPred none of the results had a decent probability to call a function.
  4. I recorded the RBS values and calculated the gap.
  5. I typed up all my findings in PhageNotes.


Final PhageNotes annotation

Conclusion and Future Work: Now that the genome is almost completely done being annotated we can proofread and get feedback. For future work we will continue iterating the annotation until it is as complete and accurate as possible.

February 13

NapoleonB genes 42,43, and 44 annotations

Rationale: Finish annotations for NapoleonB genes 41-44. Use knowledge from past few practice annotations to start NapoleonB annotations.

Procedure: NapoleonB FASTa file downloaded from PhageDB, and loaded onto DNA Master. Gene auto-annotated and frames were viewed. NCBI, HHPred, PhageDB, and Phamerator were all pulled up to annotate gene 41. The product of Gene 41 was copied and pasted onto  NCBI, HHPred, PhageDB, and Phamerator. Results were analyzed and annotations were placed into PhageNotes.


Gene 42-44 annotation below followed by NCBI, HHPred, GeneMark, and PhageDB:

Gene 42

SSC: 29359 – 30117, CP: The genes covers all coding potential present, SCS: Both, ST:SS, BLAST-Start:Aligns with Circum gp44 NCBI BLAST q1:s1 1 o.00, overlap:2bp gap, LO: NA, RBS: Kibler7 and Karlin Medium 2.404 -3.893 No, F: NFK, SIF-BLAST: NFK, SIF-HHPred: NFK, SIF-Syn: NFK


Gene 43

SSC: 30128 – 30379, CP: No no coding potential near the start, SCS: Both, ST:SS, BLAST-Start:Aligns with KeaneyLin gp42 NCBI BLAST q1:s1 1 2E-43, Gap:12bp gap, LO: NA, RBS: Kibler7 and Karlin Medium 1.687 -5.326 No, F: NFK, SIF-BLAST: NFK, SIF-HHPred: NFK, SIF-Syn: NFK

Gene 44

SSC: 30291 – 30815, CP: No Longest ORF available for this reading frame, SCS: Genemark, ST:NI, BLAST-Start: Aligns with Circum gp46 NCBI BLAST q1:s1 1 6E-106, Aligns with Circum gp46 PhageDB BLAST q1:s1 1 1E-83, Gap: 87bp overlap, LO: Yes, RBS: Kibler7 and Karlin Medium 1.701 -5.296 No, F: NKF, SIF-BLAST:NKF, SIF-HHPred: NKF, SIF-Syn: NKF

Conclusions: Annotation of gene 42,43, and 44 had no known functions.

Future plans: Review genes 41-44.

February 13

2.13.19 Annotations of Genes 51 and 52

2.13.19 Annotations of Genes 51 and 52

Rationale: Since the first two assigned genes had been processed and annotated on Monday, today it was found to be pertinent to finish annotating the remaining two assigned genes. Therefore, genes 51 and 52 were completed during today’s lab time.


  • DNA Master
  • HHPred
  • BLAST (PhagesDB)
  • Genemark
  • Phamerator
  1. Opened DNA Master
  2. Annotated genes 51 and 52 using the above tools


Gene 51

SSC:32825 – 33016, CP:Yes, SCS:Both, ST:SS, BLAST-Start:Aligns with Arthrobacter Phage Mudcat gp47 NCBI BLAST q1:s1 0.98 3E-39, Aligns with Arthrobacter Phage Mudcat gp47 PhagesDB BLAST q1:s1 1 3E-32, Gap:0bp gap, LO:NA, RBS:Kibbler7 and Karlin Medium 2.611 -3.374 Yes, F:NKF, SIF-BLAST:NKF, SIF-HHPred:NKF, SIF-Syn:NKF

Gene 52

SSC:33040 – 33168, CP:Yes, SCS:Both, ST:SS, BLAST-Start:Aligns with Arthrobacter Phage Circum gp53 NCBI BLAST q1:s6 0.9756 9E-21, Aligns with Arthrobacter Phage Circum gp53 PhagesDB BLAST q1:s1 0.97 2E-17, Gap:23bp gap, LO:Yes, RBS:Kibbler7 and Karlin Medium 3.263 -2.524 Yes, F:NKF, SIF-BLAST:NKF, SIF-HHPred:NKF, SIF-Syn:NKF


Conclusions: Since all signs point to no function being found for either gene 51 or 52, it can officially be concluded that these genes can be considered to have no function. Annotations have officially been completed for all four genes that had been assigned in class for NapoleonB.

Next Steps: The next steps will be checking the annotations for the whole class to ensure that all genes had been called properly with the correct format. After, the annotations will be able to be imported to the DNA Master system from PhageNotes.

February 13

Lab Day 7-8: Annotation for NapoleonB


Start performing annotations on NapoleonB to understand certain functions for genes and provide further research to be conducted afterwards.


  1. Opened DNA master with NapoleonB FASTA file
  2. Opened DNA –> Frames –> ORF —> RBS (for genes 89-92)
  3. Blasted each genes’ products on NCBI, phagesdb, HHPred, and DNA master for preparation
  4. Filled out template for each gene using information from above listed sites
  5. Opened gene mark for genes 89-92 and phamerator
  6. Saved as new file and uploaded findings on class google sheets


Gene 89

Original Glimmer call @bp 51379 has strength 12.26
SSC:51379,51708 CP:yes SCS:both ST:SS BLAST-Start:Xenomorph_Draft,83,phagesdb,query 1 to subject 1,100,7e-62 Gap:1 LO:NA RBS:Kibler7,Karlin Medium,2.290,-5.154,no F:NKF SIF-BLAST:NKF,Circum_88,ALY08771.1,99%,2e-73 SIF-HHPred:Signal transduction histidine kinase,COG,COG4585,COG4585,100%,87.68 SIF-Syn:NKF

Gene 90

Original Glimmer call @bp 51709 has strength 6.33
SSC:51709,51894 CP:yes SCS:both ST:SS BLAST-Start:Xenomorph_draft,84,phagesdb,query 1 to sequence 1,96,7e-28 Gap:0 LO:NA RBS:Kbler7,Karlin Medium,3.023,-2.566,no F:NKF SIF-BLAST:NKF,Sea_Arcadia_87,ASR80050.1,93.55%3e-35 SIF-HHPred:ribosomal protein L20A (L18A),COG,RPL20A,COG2157,73%,91.48 SIF-Syn:NKF

Gene 91

Original Glimmer call @bp 51891 has strength 7.86
SSC:51891,52247 CP:yes SCS:both ST:SS BLAST-Start:Nason,88,phagesdb,query 1 to sequence 1,95,2e-65 Gap:4 LO:NA RBS:Kibler7,Karline Medium,2.546,-3.590,no F:NKF SIF-BLAST:NKF,Sea_Arcadia_88,ASR80051.1,94.92%,4e-78 SIF-HHPred:FG-GAP repeat,FG-GAP,PF01839.23,34%56.96 SIF-Syn:NKF

Gene 92

Original Glimmer call @bp 52247 has strength 7.98
SSC:52247,52492 CP:yes SCS:both ST:SS BLAST-Start:Xenomorph_draft,86,phagesdb,query 1 to sequence 1,100,2e-41 Gap:1 LO:NA RBS:Kibler7,Karlin Medium,3.269,-2.064,no F:NKF SIF-BLAST:NKF,Mudcat_86,YP_009300775.1,93,67%,1e-48 SIF-HHPred:Agrobacterium tumefaciens protein,Atu,Atu4866,PF11512.8,93%,70.95 SIF-Syn:NKF


For all genes, there wasn’t a huge gap or overlap of >10 bps. All gaps/overlaps ranges from 0-4 bps. I did not had to correct the ORF or start codon as I agreed with starterator for all genes. All genes had NCBI, phagesdb, and DNA master Blast state “hypothetical protein” or “unknown function.” However, HHPred had its functions stated. I made the call that none of the genes had a functions. Also, none of the genes had a conserved domain provided, so on the google sheet CDD was filled out as “no.” Two of the genes after BLAST compared itself to NapoleonB_draft, so I chose to use the BLAST data with the one right below NapoleonB_draft.

Next Steps

Continue with the annotation of the current genes that were assigned to me and edit them along the way. Also to apply the knowledge for future research and presentation.

February 13

Annotation of NapoleonB 2/11/2019

Annotation of NapoleonB 2/11/2019


The rationale behind these procedures is to start annotations on NapoleonB so that other research can be conducted.


  1. NapoleonB FASTA file was downloaded
  2. FASTA file was opened (File > Open> FastA Multiple Sequence File)
  3. Contents of the file were exported (Export . Create Sequence from this Entry Only)
  4. Contents of the file were auto annotated (Genome > Auto Annotate > click “yes”)
  5. Reading frames were examined (Genome > Frames> click “ORFS” button)
  6. Gene locations were compared paying attention to gaps and overlap
  7. NCBI, Phages DB, and HHPred systems were used to BLAST amino acid sequences
  8. Starterator and genemark were used to determine if the genes ought to be altered to include more or fewer base pairs
  9. The information gathered was used to update phage notes


Gene 65- SSC:41757 – 41909, CP:Yes, SCS:Glimmer, ST:SA, BLAST-Start:Aligns with Arthrobacter phage Cheesy gp63 NCBI BLAST q1:s1 0.87 7E-22, Aligns with Arthrobacter Phage Cheesy gp63 PhagesDB BLAST q1:s1 1 7E-20, Gap:24bp overlap, LO:NA, RBS:Kibbler7 and Karlin Medium 3.269 -2.511 No, F:NKF, SIF-BLAST:NKF, SIF-HHPred:NKF, SIF-Syn:, upstream gene is , downstream gene is , just like in phage

Gene 66- SSC:41909 – 42091, CP:Yes, SCS:Both, ST:SS, BLAST-Start:Aligns with Arthrobacter phage Cheesy gp64 NCBI BLAST q1:s1 0.86 2E-24, Aligns with Arthrobacter Phage Kardesai gp65 PhagesDB BLAST q1:s1 1 4E-27, Gap:1bp overlap, LO:NA, RBS:Kibbler7 and Karlin Medium , F:NKF, SIF-BLAST: Supported by NCBI BLAST gp , Supported by PhagesDB BLAST gp , supported by a CD found from the databse gp , , SIF-HHPred: supported by gp , SIF-Syn:, upstream gene is , downstream gene is , just like in phage


There is very little information from which to draw conclusions about the data set; however, it appears that there is no known function for genes 65 and 66. As the rest of Napoleon B is annotated I will be able to draw more conclusions from the data.

Future Plans

In the future, I will continue my annotations of NapoleonB with the goal of being able to research my own questions once the gene is fully annotated.