Poster Basics and NapoleonB Checks 2/20/19
Today we will look more closely at the entire completed genome of NapoleonBÂ and learn more about the basics of scientific poster making.
- The entire annotated genome of NapoleonB was looked over by the class.
- Large gaps were analyzed to determine if certain genes should be elongated or if new genes should be inserted.
- Mistakes that were made with inserting data into PhageNotes were fixed.
- After the genome was checked by the class, a quick overview of various scientific posters was given.
The varying red flags that were raised were looked over by the class and fixed by those who originally annotated the gene. No corrections were made on genes 85-88.
Conclusion/Next Steps
Next, we will revise the abstracts submitted on 2/18/19. Posters will begin to be made in groups after evaluating what is important for each group member, in terms of poster content and design.