Evaluating NapoleonB’s Gene 96 and Group’s Final Abstract (2/18/19)
The purpose of the lab was to revise NapoleonB’s genes, and to create a final abstract.
- DNA Master
- GeneMark
- NCBI Blast
- PhagesDB Blast
- Phamerater
- Groups were assigned for annotations and abstract.
- NapoleonB’s Gene 96 Annotation was re-evaluated because of a large gap between gene 95 and 96.
- Coding potential between gene 95 and 96 was viewed and evaluated.
- A place which appeared to have a high coding potential on GeneMark was added to DNA Master as a test gene.
- Results were collected with the product of the test gene on PhagesDB and NCBI Blast.
- Phamerater was used to compare different AM cluster phages.
The results on PhagesDB and NCBI Blast displayed that there were no hits for the particular coding region, which was a reverse ORF. Therefore, the annotation of Gene 96 was not changed.
More knowledge was acquired on DNA Master about how to test gaps and see if there was a hit. Even though GeneMark displayed a high coding potential on the graph, the results displayed no hits.
Future Work:
Next class we will re-evaluate the genes and recheck the annotations of the genes.