Checking NapoleonB (2/20/19)
Rationale: Checked NapoleonB’s annotations as a class for mistakes. Started brainstorming ideas for the poster.
- DNA Master
- GeneMark
- phage notes
- Checked for mistakes by scrolling through the frames window in DNA Master.
- Used GeneMark graph to check that all coding potential was covered.
- Checked annotations in phage notes.
- Started brainstorming what belongs on the poster and what format to use.
NapoleonB’s genes 25-28 covered all coding potential. No corrections were made.
After brainstorming with the group, it was decided that the methods section should be presented in a flow chart for easy comprehension. Use of columns also would allow for better organization. The color scheme being used should be easy on the eyes. The TEM, gel, and phamerator should be presented on the poster. The poster should also include the final version of the abstract; the names of the researchers, TAs, and LAs; and a title.
Future Work:
Finish abstract and start designing the poster.