Abstract Drafts and Check of NapoleonB 2/18/19
Today we aim to check the annotations of NapoleonB and come together in groups to make an abstract of the research conducted last semester and this semester.
- DNA Master
- PhagesDB
- Phamerator
- Genemark
- HHPred
- An abstract draft was made by combining the stronger parts of other student’s abstracts in the group.
- The annotations for gene 96 was re-evaluated due to a large gap present between genes 95 and 96.
- Coding potential, and PhagesDB and NCBI blast hits were re-evaluated to determine whether or not the large gap should be closed.
- Phamerator was employed to compare the different regions to various AM cluster phages.
The revised abstract was submitted. The large gap between genes 95 and 96 was deemed to possess a lack of need to be altered.
Conclusion/Next Steps
Next, we will finalize the abstract draft made. We will also look more closely at the full annotated genome of NapoleonB before submitting.