Checking NapoleonB annotations
Check over the annotations of NapoleonB as a class in order to identify any mistakes that were made.
- Using an already auto annotated version of NapoleonB on DNA Master gene 41-44 was confirmed to have the correct annotations.
- Genemark was pulled and the coding potentials were doubled check for genes 41-44.
- The rest of the genome was proofed as a class.
The coding potentials for genes 41, 42, and 44 were covered, but 43 were not. Nothing was changed in annotations, but the annotations were doubled checked. The rest of the genome was moderately corrected in order to fix entry errors.
It can be confirmed that genes 41-44 was correct in its annotation. It can also be concluded that the annotations for the phage NapoleonB are as of now correct.
Future steps:
The next step will be to conduct an independent research project and to create a poster as a group in order to present at scholars week as a class, along with finalizing a class abstract.